samedi 20 septembre 2014

Business Plan Assistance

Hello over there!

Stumbled upon the forum accidentally and thought that my thread might be of your interest. I've been involved in BPs writing since 2012 while helping my buddies finish up the graduate program in BA. I am more keen on financial part of BPs (cash flow projections, break-even analysis, startup capital, etc.) but willing to perform a quality marketing plan as well as operational plan of the business. I think the crucial parts of every BP are both marketing and breakeven. First one gives you a glance on where your profits will be coming (target audience, market, competition, etc.) from whilst the second estimates your future returns (revenues, costs, income, etc.). Feel free to ask any questions related to BPs write-up. I'd be glad to answer them all. You may also follow my blog where I post articles of basics on how to write a successful business plan (link in the profile section).

Thank you!

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