mercredi 17 septembre 2014

Do you know how to find the name/contact info of a landowner

We've leased land to hunt/fish/camp on for 7 years from an individual who lives out of state. The past 3 years we've had accessibility issues because access is via an easement and there is a big ditch that cuts right across the access road. That ditch is eroding and the sides are washing out and it's not safe or easy to get across. Last year we put a temporary bridge across it and that worked, but it won't work again this year so we asked the landowner for permission to cut the ditch, at our expense, - basically make it a gradual slope down in and back out again so that we could access the property. We also offered to put in a culvert and fix the road so that it was a straight across access - if we'd put in the culvert he would have needed to let us do that in exchange for our lease payment this year. It's supposedly registered as a "tree farm" (I haven't tried to figure out how to check that) that will be harvested in 7 years - at which point the road will have to be fixed. We contacted the landowner in May and had no response, again in August and had no response and then last Friday he finally replied to us and said that if we wanted to lease again we needed to contact him ASAP so we did on Saturday and explained the situation to him at which point he said send me pictures, etc... so we did that within 2 hours of our conversation, but we never heard back so we contacted him again yesterday - at which point he said. "I'm sorry I leased that to someone else before you got back to me." Long story short - we have no where to hunt this fall, my kids are upset, my husband is grumpy and he wants me to figure out who owns the land on the other side of this property.

We're pretty sure it's US Fish and Wildlife, but it's not posted. This is river bottom land - so no buildings/houses/etc... I've been trying to figure out who owns it, what the address/lot/parcel number is so that I know who to ask! If anyone has any ideas I'd appreciate it. I'm not really sure where to start digging...


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