jeudi 26 avril 2018

The rediculous saga of trying to delete my AOL account

So for about 3 months off and on I've been trying to delete my AOL account in my continuing effort to clean up my digital life.
It's a free account and I haven't used it in about 10+ years. I just don't want the open account out there with my name on it.

I should be able to just delete it, right?


The website gives you every option to adjust your account, short of deleting it. You can change it, upgrade it, downgrade it, transfer it, even take over the account of a recently deceased person...but no working option to simply leave and delete your information. The option doesn't work.
I only figured out it doesn't work because I went through the steps a few months ago, and logged in 2 months later and was able to log in. Account still intact.

So I reach out on Twitter. AOL support sends me to the website. I take a screenshot showing them that there is no option. That the confirm deletion button or action is gone.

They tell me to call support.

Got around to it today. Support tries to send me to the website. I explain all over again and ask them to please just delete the account,.

They tell me they can't do it on their end, but if I could wait another couple of weeks when the website is redone/fixed than I can do it online.

I ask for a supervisor and was disconnected. I call back and start all over again.
The second customer support agent opened a ticket, and escalated it and someone is supposed to get back to me.
Seriously? Just to delete my account?

This seems illegal to me. Seems like I should be able to remove my information from their company freely. That they shouldn't be able to hold my information hostage. Again,this has been a 3 month saga. I'm not having a knee jerk reaction because I got bad service today.

The time and resources that both they and I have spent to do something that should be simple and that users 100% should be in control of is ridiculous.
Not sure what OATH ( Verizon company that owns AOL now) is doing, but this is unacceptable.

Anyone else have a similar problem trying to leave a service or delete an account?

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