mardi 10 avril 2018

Want to close or combine some areas and add others. Need feedback.

Some of the discussion areas we have don't get used much, if at all. While I do want to add sections to discuss more tech related issues, I should also tighten up some others so that the forum sections don't get out of hand.

Some ideas are:

1. Combine the "Business Plans and Ideas" sub forum with the main "Starting your Business forum".
2. Combine the "Franchising" sub forum with the main "Managing your business" forum".
3. Removing the "Advertising Review" sub forum.
4. Making "Blogging" a sub forum of "Copy-writing".
5. Making "E commerce" it's own main forum instead of a sub forum
6. Making WordPress, other CMS's and include site builders like SquareSpace as a sub forum of "Design and Development"

Then I would be adding 3 new discussion areas under a Technology heading:
1. Hardware
2. Software
3. Security and Privacy.

I think this would trim down the amount of unused areas while adding subjects that are important needed in business today without making the forum bigger. To be clear, I wouldn't be closing or deleting any sections, just moving a few things around.

What do you guys think?

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