lundi 16 avril 2018

Tips for Pracaticing Good Forum Security

When you're online it's a careful balance between your work or business which you want to be online and found, while keeping your personal information as protected and secure as possible. Being a business forum, we're part of a demographic that gets spammed or solicited relentlessly.

I have a few tips for some basic forum security. I will add to them as needed or as things change. Feel free to chime in on this thread with a few tips of your own.

  1. Use your business or public email. In case of any security issues, the only thing at risk is information that you've already made public.
  2. Use a different password here than you do anywhere else which uses the same email.
  3. Don't use your business email for personal business.
  4. When possible you should strive to have a business/private email address on your own domain. If you must use a free email address, Gmail is the most secure option.
  5. Report any suspicious behavior, solicitation, or spam on the forum.
  6. If you are unsure of a link, or file run it through Virus Total first to see if it triggers any known malware warnings:
  7. When doing business with forum members, do the same due diligence that would you any other time.
  8. Try not to divulge too much personal information about yourself or your family on the forum.
  9. Don't link to personal social media accounts from your business profiles or websites.
  10. Do not upload company documents to the forum.

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