jeudi 19 avril 2018

Which type of device do you use MOST to run your business?

Just wondering what members here use most to run and keep up with their businesses.

I do most of my day to day work on a gaming desktop that I've turned into a 3 monitor work station.
I have a dual boot Windows/Linux laptop but I mostly use that for training and classwork.
I have an android tablet that I use for books and catching up on industry news and articles.
I use my XBOX or Fire Stick for keeping up with my various You Tube channels and podcasts
I use mobile phones and virtual numbers exclusively. I don't have a land line.

It may seem like a lot, but they all serve a purpose and make life a little easier by not having to do everything from one device, one place, or during certain times.

I did just order a Chromebook to have something portable for any meetings or location work, so I'm really excited to see how it works for me.

What about you guys?

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