lundi 23 juin 2014

Any experience with Email Campaigns?


I just started a new business and had a few questions for anyone that has had experience with email campaigns:

1. What is a good/affordable service provider

2. Any general advice for the do's and donts of the content and how to structure the email?

My own thoughts are keep it brief, no pictures so as to not come across as spam, and indicate that I am local. I came up with something simple, but without expert advice, I could be missing the mark... here it is:

"Hello Joe - My name is _____________ and I do business with local companies in Massachusetts such as __________ and ___________. We offer large company benefits to small businesses at no cost to you, the employer, and I wanted to see if you may be interested in meeting for 20 minutes to have a conversation about what we do and how that can help your business. Would there be a good time in the next few weeks?"

Thoughts? Here is the website if you need more context: venture-benefits

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