vendredi 20 juin 2014

first employee may leave sad

It took 8 years to finally hire someone....its been after 3 months he got a better/different offer and says he's considering leaving

he's a part time helper/laborer i pay $15....i havent given him steady hours....some weeks 18 hours, some 30+

he originally told me he wanted part time because he is starting his own web design company and wants the free time to do his own business.....his new job is full time, $22 a hour(pretty good for unskilled eh?)...the negative is he is going to work in IL and we live in this adds 2-3 hours of driving a day...

i spent time explaining the negatives of his new job to him....the 2-3 hour drive extra making the $15 vs $22 an hour not being so far it seems he wants full time

part of it may be my fault for not guaranteeing him 30 hours no matter what......i could tell when we had some slow weeks in a row he wasnt happy about it.

my work outlook is great for the future.....he was great, never needed training........i dont think ill get lucky enough to find that again

is $15 an hour too little?

ive considered offering him $17....but figure why bother....if he's looking for another job 3 months into doing his current job its probably a hopeless situation

id like him to stay, but cant/wont pay $22 an hour to someone to cut holes and sweep the floor

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