mardi 10 juin 2014

What are "red flags" that you are in a bad partnership with a larger company?

It's been nine months since I signed a partnership deal/revenue split with a larger company (tens of millions in annual revenue) wherein I would produce the product and they would handle marketing/branding/selling exclusively. It seems like a natural partnership because we are an obvious upsell to their current customers.

However, six months after official launch, we have only a couple sales. The main problem was that the "Champion" of this partnership on their end left shortly before launch (not on bad terms) and thus they had to scramble for a replacement hired a couple months after launch, and the chief salesperson left as well shortly after the publisher came on, meaning we've been twisting in the wind six months after launch. Some positive signs are there and we've had some sitdowns with potential clients, but no hard results yet, and they've been willing to send us a small advance on sales to hold us over for a few months, but I keep reading all these negative things about partnering with big companies.

What are some red flags that startups should look out for when partnering with big companies?

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