mardi 24 juin 2014

Health coaching business

Hello all. I'm a Registered Nurse who is interested in beginning a health and wellness coaching business. Coaching is the business of helping clients figure out why they make the current health choices they do, and how they can change behavior using their own strengths and thoughts. There are two health systems in my area, but they are large/bureaucratic and focus on two major areas: Diabetes education and Congestive Health Failure education. I want to help people figure out how to eat better, lose weight, stop smoking/drinking, get right amounts of sleep, make a plan for their financial, social and spiritual life. Wellness is more than just health.

I guess my major problem is I'm just overwhelmed and don't really know where to get started. I've done some research into certification/legal/business ideas...I don't know how to do market research, I don't know the legal/accounting aspect...Not sure how much money I'll need to start, Thinking about 5 grand.

I've thought about offering blood pressure screenings in local pharmacies with an 3-5 question sheet for people who stop by (such as Are you interested in learning about healthy behaviors, Do you feel like you are a healthy person, Would you be interested in a service to evaluate and help you change behaviors (using your own skills), Is your life well rounded? (Financially, Socially, Healthy and Spiritually), and how much would you pay for such a service on a per session basis? (Aiming hopefully for $150 a session, but know it's limited to what the market can bear).

Looking forward to hearing all your advice.

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