vendredi 20 février 2015

Best Coupon Strategy?

I'm opening a coffee shop and doing a lot of talking through it with an experienced friend who is coming on as a manager. Tonight we were discussing marketing strategies and coupons and the topic of digital coupons came up, as well as direct mail marketing.

I'm all for sending out postcards that double as coupons, especially for something like my grand opening. My friend dismissed it as junk mail. I've seen a lot of support of direct mail, especially the kind that can be "lumpy." But can mine be effective without the ability to send along a cup of coffee?

For a steady coupon strategy, I was debating between paper coupons that could be handed out or digital coupons for phone and web. I like the idea of digital coupons, especially as I'm attempting to be as environmentally friendly as possible (even though I'm sure the difference between the energy output for cell phones and making the paper is probably negligible). But I don't know if I'm interested in trying to tread that fine line between never sending out enough coupons and sending so many I'm annoying. A general coupon app or a Facebook coupon would work, but I'm not sure if those are as effective a marketing tool as the direct text messages or e-mails.

And with the addition of the reward cards I plan to have, is this even something I should do? Am I risking doing too many coupons and undercutting my bottom line? My products are already in a reasonable price bracket for the industry, even on the low end.

Any of it? All of it? Something I didn't think of?

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