lundi 23 février 2015

Using Price Conditioning in your Sales Meeting?

Has anyone had experience with Price Conditioning during a Sales Meeting?

I have a fencing client that is getting hit with the shell shock of misaligned pricing. The client thinks a fence is worth $2,000 but the real price is $3500.00. The fence client is not on the same page and my fence contractor is loosing clients because of this misalignment.

I think he needs to employ Price Conditioning in his strategy. Can anyone help?

I have found this to explain it a bit...

The concept of price conditioning is centered on the idea that usually, a bewildered mind will say "no". A price conditioning strategy gets your prospects prepared for the total price you will charge for your service or product. Often, if you fail to employ a price conditioning strategy, you will leave your prospects feeling "shell shocked". Consequently, they will hesitate to reach for their credit card and you may lose the sale.

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