mercredi 18 février 2015

One Small Step

Hi all. I am fairly new, and I am sure some of you have seen my insight to some of the posts along the page. I hope that they have been constructive in nature and not harmful. Now I am the one seeking additional advise.

My business partner and I are looking to start a Wood Pellet Production facility in NE Indiana. We have several sawmills around us which could supply our site with all the raw materials we would need. We are looking to produce enough for the local market (50 mile radius) our first 2 years. We estimate that this consumption via private sales and the possibility of a corporate account will requre approximately 2000 tons each year for our first 2 years.

Would word of mouth be enough of a marketing campaign or would an encentive based referal program provide additional benefits?

We are considering a $2 credit per referal off the cost of a tonage purchase. We intend to sell our product at a fair market value yet still undercutting the larger competition.

Would Social Media be a beneficial outlet to promote as we are attmepting to stay local in our initial reach as not to overload the plant in it's capacity?

Any advise you could provide on any subject pertaining to this type of startup would be greatly appreciated.

We have the following on site, and already agreed upon.

~ Production Building

~ Storage Building

~ Invoices

~ Bill of Sale

~ Bag Design W/SKU

~ Raw Material Loader

~ Augers

~ Conveyors

~ Floorplan Layout

~ Office Space

Thank you again.

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