jeudi 19 février 2015

Hello! From a Freelance Content Marketer!

Hi there!

I've been posting on the forum for a bit and decided it was time to introduce myself.

I started my business 6 months ago because I wanted to make money online and travel the world (ain't that the dream? :p).

It took me about 4 months to really get it off the ground, and now I can work from wherever I want (as long as there's internet) and I'm planning to travel to South-East Asia within a few months.

I'm also doing some cool work for my clients. Here's some of the stuff I'm working on:

  • I'm helping one client build an entire business online -- from marketing, to SEO, to lead gen, to product development, everything.

  • For one client, I'm working on lead generation, and it's starting to move into deeper work.

  • For another, I'm creating content strategies for him to implement with his own clients.

  • And for another, I'm writing articles on inbound marketing.

I'm having tons of fun, and I've learned so much in the past 6 months I can't believe it.

I can officially say I love what I do!

I work much more than I would in a 9-5. (Yesterday, I busted out an 11-hour day of work, not including meals and my morning run.)

It's tough sometimes, but nothing worth going for is easy. And if you love what you do, even the crappy stuff isn't that crappy.

I wholeheartedly believe that it's better to build your own business, chase your own dreams, and earn less money, than it is to work towards someone else's dreams and have no freedom to live your life the way you want to.

I also believe that if you're working for yourself, your earning potential is much higher than most regular jobs. For me, I just take it step by step. I don't try to learn everything at once.

I learn skills as the need arises. For instance, I've known about link building for a long time now, but I never implemented it. I had other things that took priority.

Now, I'm in a position where link building is going to do wonders for my client, so it's time to learn this skill and become proficient in it. Once I understand it, I'll move on to the next skill. As my skill base grows, and I get better results for my clients, I'll be able to increase my rates and grow my business.

I think this framework could be used to build any small business (or business in general). That's how you hear of those stores, websites, etc., that started out in a tiny market and eventually became nationwide successes. Take it one step at a time. One skill, one market, one milestone.

I also believe that it's important for your business to have an underlying purpose -- a philosophy behind it.

For me, I believe that content isn't just a marketing asset. I believe that it's a way for businesses to make a meaningful impact in people's lives, and grow their business at the same time.

Content marketing is a reciprocal exchange of value. The business provides value up front, by helping people solve their problems with free content, and people reciprocate that value by becoming followers, brand ambassadors, evangelists, and customers.

With my business, my ultimate goal is to help other people build their businesses, and change people's lives at the same time.

Anyway, that's enough about my business. Now I want to hear about yours.

Why did you start your business? What's driving you? What type of impact do you want to make with your business?

Share your deeper purpose with us, and let's discuss the impact we can make with our businesses.


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