vendredi 27 février 2015

The Power of the Raving Fan...

So what is the power of the Raving Fan?

Have you ever experienced a client that thinks your business walks on water. He/She go out of their way to tell everybody that your business is the best thing since sliced bread. They consider themselves a part of your business and they will do anything to help.

At the time you thought this person was a pain and a busy body that you wished they would go away. They had ideas and always offered solutions to problems you were having within your business. So your raving fan was only interested in doing anything that was needed to help the cause.

What do you do?

1) Blow him/her off and place road blocks at every turn...

2) Embrace his/her enthusiasm...

3) Ignore this person and pass them off as bad karma...

4) Do nothing...

If you have another answer beyond my 4 by all means add a new one.

I would like to know what everybody thinks?

Please join in and post...RR

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