jeudi 19 février 2015

Feedback on Website

Hi everyone,

We recently launched our website: Wicked Biscuit - Home, and I'm looking for some feedback on what we've got so far. I decided to use Weebly to design my site and host my store - Mostly because I'm just not savvy enough to build my own from scratch and after a decent amount of research on these types of tools, Weebly seemed like a good option. I've found it's missing some good features, but I think we did a decent enough job to start off. I'm looking for constructive criticism on what we could do better, and what you think works well.

I'm getting a decent amount of traffic to my site - mostly from direct visits, but a few referrals through Facebook and other sites. However, we've only made 1 sale so far (from a friend). So any advice you have on how to increase sales as well is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your feedback.



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