jeudi 30 novembre 2017

23 year old successful real estate wholesaler looking to influence

Hey Guys!
My Name Is Kevin Ramirez
I am a real estate investor in Raleigh, NC
I focus on rehabbing and wholesaling (mainly wholesaling) single family homes and small multifamily
I join the group specifically to see if there is a group of people who are in my situation or are working towards being in my situation
I currently do 50+ transactions a year, and net around a quarter M $ a year. (only reason I mention that is to establish the level that I am at, to see who can relate, I feel like honesty is key and we're all hear to learn something or connect in some way.

Anyways. I am going to be starting a youtube channel of what it is like to be a young (under 30) entrepreneur and business owner who has already surpassed some of the major hurdles (The start up phase) and has built a solid business, great systems, and great momentum.
In said youtube channel I will be documenting some of my day to day activities, speaking about systems I have in place, motivation, and many other things.
I envision my main audience being millennials who are starting a business of any kind, or millennials who have started a business and are at a similar level that I am at and that can relate to my every day, the grind, the ups, the downs, and the thrill of the entrepreneurship ride.

If this is something any of you would be interested in please comment, with ideas, approval, dissproval. I am just trying to see if there's some people out there that would be interested in it

The videos are going to be VLOG style, with a Casey Neistat feel to it, so not just me talking, but also some cool action shots, regular shots, and a TON of knowledge and golden nuggets in every video. Basically half cretive/entertainment, and half educational.

first Vlog will be up in december at some point, I'll be sure to check back here and let whoever is interested know. BTW, where can I post any youtube videos here on this forum and be compliant to rules?


Kevin Ramirez,

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