mercredi 29 novembre 2017

What did you do in KSP today?

I did kinda tease something yesterday. Probably won't be interesting to y'all, but it sure beats what I've been up to yesterday and so far today: drilling ore for money (twice), aerial temperature surveys on Kerbin (three of them), Mün science, garbage hauling, a rescue mission and building a new survey plane. Determined a Bill Clinton 7b grabber probe was too long to fit in the cargo bay of an Auk IV probe delivery spaceplane. Hauled tourists Gusman and Moly Kerman up-and-down in an Auk I 2-passenger spaceplane; did the same for tourist Thompfred Kermin. Yep. It sure sucks when all but one of your contracts are tied up on long duration missions. On the plus side, I've only got another 20 days until the Duna mission starts begin their course correction burns, and the Tater Catcher 7 asteroid grabbing mission to haul a B-size rock into orbit of Mün has returned to Kerbin's SOI at this point, so I might be getting another contract slot/money back soon.

So, on Monday, I got a VIP contract to take tourist Kenson Kerman to the surface of Minmus. Now, I wasn't too keen on sending up just one Kerbal to Minmus in one of my ferry ships - seemed like a waste of money. I've also been on a plane-designing kick of late, so I decided that instead of sending Kenson up to the Kerbinport space station in an Auk I, I would design a single-seater spaceplane. Thus was born the Auk XIII:

The Auk XIII single-seat spaceplane. Because where tourists are involved, you can never go wrong with the number thirteen, right?

Kenson took the plane up on its maiden flight to Kerbinport:

The view from the seat of Auk XIII on approach to Kerbinport, with Next Objective, Necessary Evil and Laggin' Dragon all in dock.

Once I was there, I had the thought - "I wonder if this thing could make it out to Minmus on its own?". I decided to find out - I tanked the plane up at Kerbinport and had it undock. Lo and behold, it had sufficient fuel for a one-way trip to Minmus, so off Kenson burned - he arrived at Minmus six days later:

Auk XIII on approach to Minmusport.

Auk XIII coming into dock.

After arriving at Minmusport, the plane was refueled for the return flight to Kerbin, and meanwhile Kenson went down to the Deepwater Horizon refinery on the moon's surface to fulfill his itinerary. Upon his return, Kenson returned to the plane and made his way back to Kerbin:

Auk XIII on re-entry.

Mission accomplished.

The plane affected a successful return to KSC 09, successfully fulfilling the contract. Minmus and back for the cost of the plane's initial fuel load - I was certainly happy.

So yeah, essentially it was a re-certification of my K-prize credentials. Last time I did the K-prize was four years ago, back in v. 0.23 with this monstrosity... There's an old screenie for all y'all, from way back in the good ol' days of KSP errordynamics, when anything with wings could be made to fly with enough intakes.

Monday's flight doesn't qualify for the K-prize, unfortunately - the wings on the Auk XIII aren't stock...What did you do in KSP today?

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