mercredi 29 novembre 2017

Planes / Spaceplanes unflyable!

^ What Spricigo said. The vertical stabilizer should literally not move in response to any input, and a static surface is fine for the job.

KSP's SAS function tends to correct heading deviations with yaw, and that's the wrong response with airplanes. If you want to change the heading of an airplane, you should roll into the desired heading and let the nose track around smoothly on its own. Pointing the nose at the desired heading using yaw just causes a cross-controlled condition, resulting in increased drag and weird cross-coupling responses and a reduced tendency to track cleanly.

Airplanes (other than pure aerobatic) don't need active rudders in KSP, and making them active only hampers them from flying smoothly. Hence my recommendation to never have active rudders.


-SlashyPlanes / Spaceplanes unflyable!

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