mercredi 29 novembre 2017


The magical 21 B$ number is what SpaceX might be worth if it were sold. That is not a budget. It's not even comparable to a budget.

Part of NASA's budget goes to.... SpaceX. Most all the hardware budget goes to... other companies like SpaceX.

You seem to think that NASA should be more efficient---but that's not what NASA is for. NASA is supposed to be inefficient. Look at the Orion and SLS twitter feeds. They crow about how many hundreds small companies in 47 States contribute to one or the other project. It's intentionally inefficient, and NASA always has been. Even if NASA were to replace SLS/Orion because of commercial competition, they would have to spread it around, because they'd not give a whole contract to one company, or only the States with SpaceX facilities would vote for it.NASA SLS/Orion/DSG/DST

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