vendredi 31 mars 2017

Business Opportunity - is it profitable and in demand?

I recently came across a business opportunity and think it may be a good option to bring in some extra income for my family.
The business is lawn greetings (those signs, ie storks, cupcakes, that are placed on lawns to announce births, birthdays, events, etc). The initial investment is roughly $3500 from what I can gather. I like the idea but others in my family are a bit nervous because there are no businesses like that in my area - so they have never seen lawn greetings anywhere around here and assume it will be unsuccessful.

My question - do you believe this is a profitable venture and have you seen these greetings in your area? And if anyone out there has/had a lawn greeting business can you share your experiences? TIA!

Hello Everyone

Hello my name is Mirko,

I am running a Web Design and Marketing business. I hope to learn some new stuff here and of course provide some good information from my experience.

Thank you

jeudi 30 mars 2017

Can My High School Do This?

I am homeschooled. I've been homeschooled since 8th grade because I have ADHD and ADD and didn't do very well in middle school. I can control it now, but that's beside the point. I do a lot of things at this school. I play baseball for them and help them win championships, I went to prom, senior ball with my ex. I pay their activity fees and my family also pays taxes which inevitably go to that school. I even attend VOC and ride their bus to go to the vocational school for 2 hours. However, there's just one issue. They will not let me walk at graduation and they won't let me do project grad (project grad is directly after graduation and they basically just hang out with you all night and take you places like bowling and you get to go up a mountain at 4AM and watch a sunrise. It's basically to stop graduation parties).

They've even prevented me from going to a specific college. How you ask? The school (Syracuse University) requires that homeschool students get their program signed off on by school administration. They refuse to do so, completely preventing me from going there. Instead, I'm going to Bryant University. My parents have been fighting with the superintendent for months about this, and he will not budge. We've offered to pay my senior dues, cap and gown, etc. and they still won't let me walk.

The problem is, I want to walk. I want to graduate with my friends; the people I've grown up with. For god's sakes it's not like we don't pay taxes or anything. We pay a LOT in taxes! What can I legally do about this? Is this all illegal in one way or another? I live in Maine. @Business Attorney I would appreciate your input

Small Business/Hiring a CPA

I work for a small business, the business brings in about half a million dollars a year.

I am an Operations Manager. The company used to be part of a larger one. When we were part of a larger one I assisted the finance department. I would gather receipts that my department had and made a version of a trial balance in Excel.

When we split on our own my boss wanted me to take over all of the accounting/book keeping process. I've had no training/classes/experience in accounting/book keeping/HR-payroll etc.. But he doesn't seem to think we need an accountant and believes a small business doesn't need anyone else but me because software such as quickbooks allows anyone to do the bookkeeping for a company.
Because I've had no training I'm feeling some frustrations.

My question is for a small business making half a million dollars a year what should the company have? (me and a CPA or Accountant etc.?)
If I stayed doing the bookkeeping how much interaction would I get with an account if we hired one?

mercredi 29 mars 2017

How can I use Facebook to grow business?

I own a professional small business and to date, I have relied on word of mouth referrals. After someone suggested I use Facebook as a tool to reach new people, I started to make 1-2 posts per week and asked my current clients to like my page. My posting and asking for likes started in December and so far I have about 75 page likes and all are family/friends/clients.

Recently I was told i should buy Facebook ads as a way to get more people clicking on my page and possibly liking it. Another person suggested I find local community Facebook pages or local business pages with large Facebook groups and making a post to reference those people, hoping they repost my message and I gain likes through that process.

As may be evident, I have a very limited knowledge of how to utilize Facebook to my advantage. Would anyone here be willing to help direct me as to what may be the best course of action to grow my business. Ultimately I need people walking through the door, I'm using Facebook as a tool for people to find me or my website but I don't sell anything on either page, so physical phone calls or bodies through the door is the ultimate longterm goal. If it helps, I live in a moderately sized city, my reach is somewhere between 75,000 and 125,000 people within a short drive of my building.

mardi 28 mars 2017

Do I need a business credit card?

I intend on forming an LLC soon. Once I do this I can register with the state of Washington and then get a business checking account.
So far I have paid for a few small items with my personal card. Is there any benefit to getting a business card? I just want to keep things as clean as possible. I can also get another personal card that I only use for business and then only pay with my business checking account once I get that set up.

Any thoughts on the best way to manage all of my payments?

Thanks, sl

Sales Tax / Exemption Certificate

Hey everyone, I have a meeting next week with a retail gift shop to buy some of my products. I'm curious of how I go about getting their sales tax info / exemption certificate and what I do with that information. Im based out of Florida and I'm a photographer and do my own printing but get my paper and supplies tax free. What do I need from them and what do they need from me for this part of the transaction. This is my first meeting and I no I could call and ask ahead of time but would like to look as professional as possible before I go in. Thanks, Jim.

Hello there!

Hey guys, Warren here. I'm an event manager and small business owner. Look forward to interacting with everyone here!

lundi 27 mars 2017

Open Letter to Manufacturers

Dear Manufacturer,
As much as you love building your products, I know you also love selling them. The more you sell the more money you make. Rock on! To help you move more product, you may be considering working with retail channels. A strong network of retailers can certainly move a lot of product for you. Speaking as a retailer, I'd like to offer a bit of advice:

After you have your retail network in place and have advised them all to use a common MSRP guideline to set the retail price at twice the wholesale price, please avoid one bit of naughtiness. Don't then sell your product on Amazon for two dollars over wholesale. You just undercut your retailers which means they can't sell your products. Plus it makes them hate you.

Sincerely, a retailer who tried to work with you in good faith

Hi. It's Luke here

Hello guys, As I said before, my name is Luke. I'm come from California.
Now I'm doing an small business on clothes affiliate. I hope I can learn much here. Thanks for letting me join in.

Is a Musang King gelato bar (90 ml) costing SGD10 too expensive?

Dear forumers,

I'm sincerely seeking for some sound advice here and perhaps establish some business connection in singapore along the way.

I'm looking to export a unique type of fruit gelato to singapore and plan to sell it at SGD10 per stick / cup of 90 - 100 ml. Assuming I use the best ingredients and the taste is actually exquisite, and also I've got the packaging sorted out and all the necessary certifications and licenses, would it feel too expensive at that price point?

Apart from that, i'm planning to sell SGD7.50 per stick / cup (90 - 100 ml) for my D24 durian and cempedak gelato. Is the price point acceptable?

There's a unique positioning and durian flesh is quite limited due to demand from China, Taiwan, HK and even Singapore itself.

Appreciate any advice forthcoming from the forumers. Thanks.

Trademark Advice

Hello everyone! I am currently in the process of starting a clothing company. I'm preparing to get a business license and start ordering merchandise. Through this process I have been doing research on a lot of things and one of them being getting our brand trademarked. As I was searching the USPTO I came across a mark "Southern Brand" that is currently in use. The drawing code is 4 and it falls into our mark category of Goods and Services/Clothing. The name of our company is "Southern Brand Company" and the drawing code for it would be a 3, but I'm not sure if that matters. I am pretty concerned that our mark my be denied as it could be deemed confusing for customers. However, I feel like the mark is pretty generic and therefore "weak", which could open the possibility for our mark to get accepted. Also, the mark is registered and operates locally in FL and we are based in AL. If anyone with any experience or knowledge on the issue could help me out that would be great. I don't want to infringe on their work, but I also don't want to flush everything I've done down the drain and go back to the drawing board if there's a possibility that we could still use the name.

samedi 25 mars 2017

TAX GURU HELP Loss from Schedule D Profit from Schedule C

Good afternoon everyone. First time poster here on this amazing forum. If this isn't the right area to post this question, please direct me!

A few years back, I lost quite a bit (to me) of money trading futures and commodities. My 2016 Net Long Term Loss was -133,000 and the short term loss was -66,000. This totaled -199,000 on Schedule D. I am starting my own business (I'm a 1099 now), and launching it within a week. I have NEVER been self employed, so this year will be a challenge and learning experience in figuring out what to do and not do.

When I become profitable, my understanding is that I will need to go the route of S Corp or LLC, as a home based life insurance broker. But I could be wrong. AGAIN, I have never had to do this before.

My question is when I show a PROFIT on Schedule C, will the LOSSES from Schedule D continue $3,000 every year? Or would the profit NOT BE TAXED because of the previous short and long term carryover losses?

Thank you so much in advance,

vendredi 24 mars 2017

Task and project management for a small team

Our team of 7 people is in search of a project / task management system. Most us work remotely.
Free or very low cost
Cloud solution
Simple interface
Project templates (optional)
The executor should create a task by template, and then send it to approval for the director. The director can accept or reject it. Also in the case of the task closing by the executor - the manager must be able to see and control it.
A calendar view like in Gannt Pro or Asana (optional)
We’ve already tried and rejected this: MS Project, Bitrix 24, Trello, Wrike, WorkFlowSoft. It’s just not it.
We’d be grateful for suggestions.

jeudi 23 mars 2017

Finally joined

Hi everyone

Saw some interesting thread on this forum and finally joined. My name is Koen West and I own a business called We build and sell ready-made ecommerce websites so you can run your website without any of the hassle or learning curve when you do it all by yourself.

I look forward to helping some of you out and all that :)


mercredi 22 mars 2017

Opinions needed: supplier response time issue

I'd love to get your opinions on this. I have a supplier (who happens to be in Ireland) who makes Irish dog muzzles for me. They're good quality and I haven't been able to find any other suppliers of similar muzzles. It seems to be a small family operation, but they also seem to supply equipment to much of the Irish dog racing industry - so they're reputable and busy.

The last couple of times I bought some muzzles from them, they've pointed out that one of the models that happens to have leather nose padding can have the dog's name printed on it. They told me that's at no extra charge and invited me to ask for that any time. So for the last couple of months I've listed two variations of that muzzle in my shop: one that's pre-printed with the name of the muzzle (Kenel Kosy) which is how they mass-produce them, and a customized version. I offer them at the same price but state in the product description for the customized one that there will be a shipping delay because they are custom-printed.

In the first week of March, a customer ordered two, my first sale of the customized muzzle. I emailed the order to the Irish supplier on March 9th. No response. I expect a confirmation reply at a minimum, and ideally a quote for the price to include shipping so that I can pay them. Emailed them again on March 15th to ask if they've received my first email, no response. I called them on March 17th and they said that the lady who handles email had the flu but they'd check with her and get back to me.

No word, so on March 20th, I called them again. This time I got the lady who handles email and she clearly remembered my order. She said she would have to ask her father in law (who apparently makes the muzzles) and would email me the price so I could pay. As of right now, still no email from them.

So I have a customer who has been waiting nearly two weeks for a shipping notification of the product he bought from me. (I did email him last week to let him know of the delay and he was okay with it.) I understand that I'm not their only customer, and a small order like this comes after larger orders already in the works, but I do expect an emailed response, and two-plus weeks is not an acceptable response time. I'm going to remove the customized muzzle from my shop until/unless I can find an alternative supplier for that.

But my question to you guys is, am I being too impatient? I'm almost ready to email the supplier to tell them to nevermind, and offer my customer my deepest apologies, a refund and/or the non-customized muzzles if he wants them. Or should I wait a few more days? Online shops have to compete at least a little bit with the quick shipping of places like Amazon, so I strive for quickest possible/reasonable shipping. If you were my customer who ordered the muzzles, would you be getting a bit ticked off at not having your purchase in hand by now - two weeks after you placed the order?

Using UpWork to gain early business work/contacts

Just curious,

I've done some small jobs for a company. I've been looking at UpWork as another alternative. Is this unprofessional?

I am New - From The Philadelphia Area

Hello Everyone,

I am new to the forum and just wanted to say hi to everyone in the community.

Greetings from LHGI Developer Investments

I represent LHGI Developer Investments. We are an experienced company, present on the market for 28 years now, with the international status of production and management of investment projects. We bring together teams of experts, specialists that implement innovative ideas and technology, and we had many successes worldwide. We operate within the market of exclusive residential objects, apartments, hotels and shopping centers.

Europe is changing. Poland maintains a positive climate for foreign business, 97% of foreign investors are pleased to have entered the polish market and want to continue dealing here. Some of the conditions of that may be:
- high return rate from direct investments
- huge, stable market
- superb lands and ever improving infrastructure
- increasing populace wealth
- Poland has been listed at 1st place in Europe and 2nd in the world in the security category in the newest OECD ‘safety’ report

The main condition of a successful property investment is always the location; the location is the most important element on which we base and carry out projects. And so we focus our efforts on Poland. You too can become a part of that, by becoming our shareholder.

Our current projects:

1. JL SILVER TOWER project - The construction of a grand Shopping Center with commercial, office, residential space and hotel part in Sosnowiec, Silesia region of Poland. 7% interest, 30% profit, 1 share = 1118 PLN, 12000 share units allocated for sale (the total of 45% of property ownership) - more details in the prospectus

2. GREEN CITY project – The construction of the grand agglomeration in the green area between Sosnowiec and Katowice, Silesia region of Poland, including two apartament buildings, hotel with commercial space and brand name restaurant. 7% interest, 30% profit, 1 share = 1500 PLN, 12000 share units allocated for sale (the total of 45% of property ownership) - more details in the prospectus

3. Monaco Palace Complex project – The adaptation of 3 palace buildings into the total of 15 exclusive apartments, 100-200 m2 each, 3000 m2 total, 15,000 PLN per m2. 45% of the property is allocated to shares

A legal entity formula of our investments: Agreement of purchase and sale of shares in SPV is provided by the notarial deed, /the notary deed of the property in the case of joining at at least 5% of shares/ We provide a Business Visa to Poland for the duration of the given project.

The method of calculation of profits and return of capital after investment :
100% return of capital
7 % interest per year
30% paid out of profits received from the sale of investment, calculated per 1 share
note: 30% of the profit , not the value of the investments/
optional depending on the project: monthly dividend in the amount of 30% from the rent of commercial space

The share of investment is the investor’s possession - a full inheritance, any resale of the share, a clear contract - we always keep the majority share. Our investment capital is collected from our own funds and investor’s funds – we do not use bank debts or loans. Preparation of budget for full implementation is the key to success.

We help to safely increase the funds of our shareholders.

Feel free to contact us if you are interested in our work.
Our consultant is at your disposal and will answer any question you may have. Tel: +48 504 424 660
E-mail: office @ lhgi . eu
Check our website.

mardi 21 mars 2017

Need business legal advise

I recently paid a company for some digital printing work on shirts, and the last minute when they knew they couldn't deliver on the date- they started backtracking and playing games. The sales guy I was working was side tracked and his director contacted me. He started haggling on the price first, then offered lower quality shirts instead of the ones I ordered because apparently now the company was taking a huge loss, then stated he was outsourcing the job(even though it is a large company and they said they do it all on site).. at the end changed the delivery date to couple days after the originally promised date -knowing fully well that the shirts were for a specific event and having the shirts after that was useless. He also retracted the free delivery and wanted me to come pick it up and, additionally sign documents waiving my right to return/refund. He had this -"take it or leave it attitude". When I did not cancel and insisted they fulfil what we agreed upon, he decided to cancel the agreement and sent me my cancellation of payment. Then, he blamed me for not working with him by not accepting the shirts on a later date- that made absolutely no sense as these shirts were ordered for a specific event. I had been working with this company on this order for three months- there were many red flags along the way, but I was always promised the end product would be per my requirements. Now, I am at a loss. I had a very good client of mine that was depending on me, I am a small business owner so this was a huge contract for me- not to mention my reputation and client relationship is at stake. This is last minute so I can't do anything or go to anyone else. What legal rights do I have here? I feel so frustrated and stressed. Thank you for your time.

Hello Everyone From Long Island New York

My name is Bob Lee I run a wholesale website in NY

samedi 18 mars 2017

Hello from San Diego!

Hi folks,

My name is Mireille Davis and I'm the CMO for

We are a digital marketing agency that was formed with three ethical partners passionate about helping small businesses succeed by getting them discovered online, generate leads & drive conversions.

Feel free to comment or ask a question. Answers are free!

Mireille Davis

Good afternoon

Hi folks.

My aim is to learn as much as I can in order to progress my business dealings to its maximum.

Hello Forum!

Hello forum, I'm Steven, a web designer/developer in the UK.

I'm here to do a bit of networking, offer my services as well as provide help to anyone who might need it. I especially enjoy reviewing others websites to help them improve so you'll probably find me over in that area of the forum for the most part.

vendredi 17 mars 2017

Looking for business type / category name that fits my work (reward given)

Please forgive how dumb this might sound.

I want to create a business card with my name and a fitting descriptor e.g. "Trish Smith, Private Analyst / Investor", but I have no idea if that is fitting or could be improved. Also, I want a very short elevator pitch that concisely sums me up. Of course, to answer this you'll need some background...

My background is in IT but I have never considered myself a specialist in any one area. Tbh, this has caused me a lot of problems in the past; "jack of all trades but master of none". I can setup servers (web, mail etc), build basic web applications in php / sqlite. But tbh, I'm more an ideas person. For example, I've previously built web applications to test out business ideas e.g. local business directories.

More so, when I have ideas, I often find myself in the minority only to watch them go mainstream years later by someone else; that's because I failed to connect / collaborate with like minded people. But I have certainly profited from this foresight e.g. I have profited from early investments into apple, google, baidu etc.

Equally, I can say I have an appetite for some risk and I survive on a combination of income streams. For example, I made some capital gains by being an early investor / speculator in cryptocurrencies, and I now receive some dividends by supporting basic cryptocurrency infrastructure.

In the future, I hope to further diversify my income e.g. providing loans to others, and possibly renting out property.

I recently heard someone say that such income is not "investment" as there was no product service provided, that such gains were simply gambling / speculation.. perhaps that is true, I really don't know. But having said that, although I have some failures behind me, I am on-the-whole quite good at seeing where things are going.


Thanks in advance.

jeudi 16 mars 2017

Future Labs Technology: Sector 2 - NOIDA - SAP Training Center - Pratik Vimal

ADDRESS: B-93B, Sector-2, NOIDA, UP - 201301

For past 11 years since its establishment in 2006, Future Labs Technology is playing its vital role as leading provider of professional and corporate training services in Delhi-NCR. Located at B-93B, Sector-2, NOIDA, UP - 201301, Future Labs Technology has been recognized as best SAP Training center and placement consultancy firm in Noida.

Providing SAP Training and job assistance to SAP aspitants who are willing to shape their career goals with dream to work for top MNC brands. Future Labs Technology is top Training, consulting and staffing firm in Delhi-NCR conducting SAP training with structured course syllabus in all its modules under highly qualified and experienced SAP consultants and industry experts under professional guidance of Pratik Vimal - one of the best SAP consultant in Delhi-NCR.

What's your input?

I'm starting to do Web Development, SEO, and Company Security as a side job. So let me know what you think of the site (how it looks):

mercredi 15 mars 2017

Merchant Services???

Is there a section on the board here where folks are discussing selling card services (credit card processing, ATM processing)?

I've been working with ATM processing since 2002 and now I'm wanting to get in to selling credit card processing and was looking for those that are experienced in merchant services to chat with and hopfully learn something about that side of the card service business.

If not here, please let me know if you guys know of a forum I should check out. Thanks!

Bad customer service example

So I go to the supermarket deli counter yesterday.

They told me they were closing and couldn't serve me anything unless it was prepackaged.

I asked the guy "What time does the deli close?"
He says: "8 p.m., unless we're short staffed, then it closes at 7 p.m."
I say, "So there's no real schedule?"
He says, "Yes, we close at 8. But we're shutting it down at 7 today because there's only 2 of us"

I say, "but it's only 6:30. That math still doesn't add up".

Every time I've ever gone there, there's ALWAYS only 2 people working. No matter how busy it is, there's rarely more than 2 people behind the counter.

He could have just said, "Yeah, we just close it whenever the hell we want", AND THAT would have made more sense to me.

Totally ridiculous.

Mileage Deduction Scenario

I often leave work at the end of my day to go to drop something off at another business (point B), and from there continue home.

Can I deduct the work to point B mileage?
Can I deduct the point B to home mileage?

Hi Everyone

Hi Everyone, My name is Elyse Farber, I am an independent Loan COnsultant for David Allen Capital. I live in North Carolina and I am here to make new business contacts. I really enjoy networking and sharing what my business is all about. I am interested in hearing about your businesses and learning how we can all grow together in the business community!

Hello Everyone

Hello Everyone,
My Name is Justin Arnot (Owner of Access Direct). Access Direct is an Australian owned and operated business that specialises in canteen, cleaning, office and warehouse supplies.

mardi 14 mars 2017

Investigating possible fraud in online orders

My platform has a nice risk analysis on orders that are placed in my store. Today for the first time it flagged one as being a risk. It got flagged because it used a Japan-issued credit card but shipped to Indonesia. This was an easy one, I just emailed them to apologize saying that I can't ship to Indonesia at this time and issued a full refund. But... what happens if the next one is in the USA... I can call or email the customer, but what do I ask? My site is configured so that they have to enter the name, card number and ccv and billing address. If all of that is correct, how do I inquire to make sure the card wasn't stolen, without possibly insulting a legitimate customer?

Styrofoam Insulation Pakistan | Thermofoam Best Styrofoam Insulation in Pakistan

Thermofoam is giving Styrofoam insulation throughout Pakistan and international market too. Styrofoam has versatility in its uses whether your requirement is to insulate homes, commercial buildings, factories or in industrial practice For example insulating weighty boiler oil tanks, cold storages trade grooved roofs or subversive chillers.

lundi 13 mars 2017

Creating great content on a content based website

I'm currently creating a website which for the most part will be content based. Im just wondering what are the best ways of getting good original content and lots of it??
If anyone has anything to offer on this subject please drop your 2cents :)

dimanche 12 mars 2017

Image size ecommerce

I've been debating what size images I should use on my ecommerce site. Don't want to slow my site down. Last few images I did were made to be 5x5" at 72 pixel/inch. Most of them would be 8-10kb after I saved for web. They seem to look fine to me. Is this a good size to use? Some of the older images on my site range more from like 20-50kb. I am having trouble searching for some kind of standard.

samedi 11 mars 2017

What Should I Register My Venture As?

Hello fellow people that want to become rich. I have a question for you guys again!

A friend and I (different friend, this one is 21 years old) are starting a software company. Once the alpha of the software is finished I will end up sharing and wanting input from all of you guys as you're like the OGs of everything I do, but I have a good question.

I met someone who graduated from Harvard about a week ago and he is incredibly interested in the project, both financially and physically. The friend (who's a junior in college for a business degree) and I (the discount business prodigy and senior web designer and rookie developer) and I want to grow this company. The problem is, the Harvard guy doesn't want to get involved until he sees a prototype and proof we know how to know a company. That means I have to register the company and basically maintain this operation. As you guys know, I'm 17 at the moment, I turn 18 in July, aka 139 days from writing this post (yes I have been counting it down). My parents are incredibly supportive of the idea (surprising, I know) and I have talked them into letting me take a year off from college if by the time August comes around and the company has people investing. My dad is willing to take on financial liability for investment assets until I turn 18 so the stock can be in both of our names.

We do have plans to eventually hire employees, move the company to either Massachusetts, California, New York, New Hampshire, or Maine, offer eventual employees (after many, many funding rounds) benefits, we plan to take investments from venture capital firms and investment banks (co-founder is a banker), we plan on renting a small office space in a business park, the software we're distributing is open source but we will offer enterprise solutions and plan on profiting off of this, we plan on paying ourselves equity salaries, we plan on investing most if not all of the money we receive initially into the business whether it's through investments or revenue, there will be multiple owners, I assume US residents.

I want to file a separate tax return. The co-founder will be taking care of financials (accounting) until we have the money for an accountant to do that for us. As I mentioned, the other co-founder is a banker who makes quite a bit of money, so our flexibility in that sense is pretty strong.

With all of this information, what do you recommend I do? Don't tell me to go to college, I do not want to take the risk of waiting almost 5 years hoping no one takes this idea. I will be a pretty salty individual and I'd rather take the risk than not. Thank you everyone, and sorry Harold for disregarding your college advice once again. No hard feelings <3

Partnership Wanted - Government Contracting

I am starting a government contracting business. I would like to partner with a Native American or other 8A status individual. I have the capital and business experience - I just need a qualified partner to help ensure growth through the government's 8A program. No tricks/scams, no BS, just a true business opportunity. Contact me at

See some SBA requirements below.

vendredi 10 mars 2017

[Article] 10 Important Cyber Security Tips For Small Business Owners

I get to know the security habits of pretty much every client, whether it be their website security, or how they manage their computers, phones, files, backups ( if any) emails, and so on. I can say without hesitation that 99% of them are woefully unprepared, unsecured, and are basically easy targets.

This article scratches the surface of just some basic common sense, but business owners really need to start taking security seriously. "Who would want to hack me?" just doesn't cut it anymore as a credible excuse.

Here's the link:

How secure do you think you are? Is it something that you take seriously?

eCommerce/Working From Home Ideas?


I've been an industrial painter for years, but I'm wanting to do something different for work. I have a good desktop computer, a laptop, and $2000-4000 as an initial investment. I have enough money to survive for two months without lifting a finger, so I can say I have two months of free time, 16 hours a day.

I have no real experience in business, but I have the money, I have the time, and I'm willing to learn. Now all I need is the direction. I met someone who briefly talked about doing advertising offers on Facebook for other companies and getting paid for people giving their e-mail address, but I don't remember the websites he was talking about. That seemed like a good lead, so I'm just waiting to hear back from him. I considered trading stocks and Forex, but I want to do something a little less risky.

Could anyone maybe point me in a good direction?

Credit Card and Loan Debt in Profit Calculation For Taxes

My wife runs a small gift shop as a sole-proprietor, she has purchased inventory using a business credit card and I'm unsure how it should be handled in calculating profit for tax purposes. She uses cash accounting because she does everything herself. So here is a hypothetical simplification of the scenario.

If she started the year with $10k in inventory and at the end of the year she has made $100k in sales, spent $50K cash and $10k credit on inventory, spent $50k on salary and business expenses and she has $20K of inventory on the shelves, does the credit card debt wipe out the additional inventory on the shelf to break even? Or does she have to pay taxes on $10k increase in assets, but can write off the payments to the credit card as she makes them in future years?

Since she hasn't paid off the credit debt we don't know how to include it in the cost of goods calculation for calculating her yearly profit for tax purposes or where to place the debt to remove it from profits.

Sorry if this is a dumb question, also this is a simplification and I know the finances don't look great, just trying to figure out how to deal with the debt in terms of calculating her earnings. It's the second year in business and while I want it to be successful, come tax time loosing money or breaking even sounds fine for now.


Vat Return Services in London | Access Accountants in London

Access Accountants We can complete your calculations for VAT returns from your own records or/and provide a book-keeping service to enable the VAT returns to be completed.

jeudi 9 mars 2017

Web Design / Internet Security Company

Hey guys,

I'm 21 and about to start a web design and internet security company

I have a few questions, and hopefully some of you guru's can help me out!

1. I'm going to register an LLC for the company, is there anything else I'll need to setup on that side of the business?
2. When accepting payments, and paying for things, what's a good way to track that? Excel sheets for now?
3. I'm going to be using my home for the business. I was told based on the square footage, I could probably right off some of my rent, my internet, phone, and even some of my gas etc if I use it for the business. How does this work?

I'd appreciate all the help I can get! Thank you guys!

Hello from a bookkeeper helping small businesses

Hi, I run a bookkeeping business near Rugby, my clients are all small businesses that don't have time or knowledge to run their accounts.

I have also written a website to help businesses with their accounting. I am still adding lots of content that hopefully, business owners will find useful.

Look forward to chatting to a few of you in the forums.

Getting rid of employees

My wife is working for a company that pays her $10 and all the other employees minimum wage which I think is $7.?? They want to get rid of her, apparently because of her excess wages. It's a manufacturing job for insulated glasses. The kind of glasses the don't sweat so much on a table.

She has several boss's. They also are surviving on a shoe string, with one customer. They thrive on that customers orders.

Her direct boss told her to supervise the other employees. But won't tell that to them directly. Her boss has the support of all the other management which appears to outweigh the number of employees.

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Two times in my career, employers have forced me into a position to quit. The last one, they had a paper for me to sign. I said 'why don't I just quit'. They never said what was on that paper and took my resignation.

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So she wants to quit. Just out of anger, I'd wait until they get a big order and quit with no notice. That's probably not the best choice.

What is the best way to leave a company in her situation. Remember, we are talking about minimum wage here, not a professional job.

mercredi 8 mars 2017

Insulation Panels Pakistan | Thermofoam Pakistan

Insulation Panels Pakistan. Thermofoam Insulated Panel Pakistan is an organization of construction professionals dedicated to providing quality Insulation Panels for all segments of the construction industry.

Business Process Management and Website Development Company

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Are you facing following issues with your business?

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•Core members wasting their time doing mundane and repetitive tasks.
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mardi 7 mars 2017

Bridge aquisition LBO loan

So let me start by saying I am brand new to the forum. I looked through some but you have a few hundred thousand posts in this place and each has a million responses. LOL. So I did not search really deep to see if this was addressed already.

I have come to the conclusion that banks do not do micro loans. And thus far everyone I go to says they don't know what a bridge loan is and don't know what I'm talking about doing a leverage buy out. So I am hoping for some advice on how to accomplish this.

I am buying an established business of 8 years. Profitable. But not over the 100k annual revenue mark (another thing banks don't seem to do) because it is run entirely word of mouth. The owner never markets, never uses the social media, never even takes pictures for the website. Its literally a word of mouth business that he uses to get a little easy money in the door. But he's bored with it, He is looking to let it go. So I want to buy it. Unfortunately, it landed in my lap and I had not the time to prepare for the purchase. So the best way for me to acquire it is leverage buy out. However I'm only looking for $27,500-$30,000. I don't have a credit card that deep (I hate credit cards), and the house I can only get a portion of that, and I didn't/don't have time to save it up. So the easiest way with the limited time I have is for a bridge loan. If I can get a bridge for a one month turn around, then I can gain possession of the assets of the LLC and I can leverage them in to a company loan and pay off the bridge in a matter of a couple weeks, and then let the company pay off the asset based collateral loan.

Sounds easy enough right? No It really isn't. No bank will go that low in terms of loan amount, and they are treating it like a business loan. "how long have you been in business". I buying it so I haven't. "How long have you managed the company", Well I'm buying it so I haven't. I have asked a couple private investors but they don't get the idea. They think I'm saying Ill pay it back slowly. They want to know monthly payment conditions and credit and all that. I try and explain its a 4 week loan. One payment, full payoff plus agreed interest, and it is as if I'm speaking in tongues.

The company assets are plenty to cover and if they weren't the company credit card limit would. It literally is like who wants to make a couple grand in a month, and everyone looks at me like I have two heads, and up to something shady.

I am hoping someone in here has either accomplished this or knows someone who does this kind of investing. Honestly, if someone gets me (I think I can close the sale at $27,500) and as soon as I have the LL in my name, I will return their 27.5 with 2k in interest. But I have to gain possession of the assets to do it.

Any ideas that could be thrown my way I would be forever indebted. I am truly amazed at how few people even grasp the concept. Especially in financial sector. How can you be a business loan agent that doesn't know what a bridge/ swing loan is?

I will never understand why a business acquisition loan cant be like a home loan. I don't own the home, But they give me a loan based on the value of said home I purchasING, why do they not have business acquisition funding out there to buy a company with the company as the collateral yet? You know how much easier it would be to get people owning business? And becoming successful? That I think is my target business. One day if the world still exists to own a financial company that will help you buy a business using the company assets as collateral. I digress.

Thank you in advanced for any information. And have a great and prosperous day.

lundi 6 mars 2017

Bluehost now giving free SSL's (TLS) to WordPress sites

Noticed it a couple of months back with some clients.
Called the other day to double check, and it's just WordPress sites right now.

Apparently they now support free SSL's via

Good stuff. Thought I'd pass it along.

dimanche 5 mars 2017


which is more effective SEO or SMO ?

Online customer capture

I run a service based business whereby people register online for pre-set courses. I would like a system which captures their personal contact information at the point of registration, automatically sends them their pre-course material, allows online payment and then stores their contact info for future course mailing. I don't have a large budget and want something quite simple....can anyone suggest something which would integrate with our website and provide this please?

Small Business App requirements


We are about to beta launch our application designed to help small businesses manage their operations, marketing, finance, hr, etc etc.

In order to further improve on current functionalities we are seeking input from the small business community as to what features may be of interest i.e what are some of your pain points related to managing and growing your business that we should look to find solutions to.

Thank you and hope to receive as much input as possible.

Smallbizorg team

Sage one v Xero for small retailer


Just looking for opinions from people that have used both packages. I will be taking over a small retailer and have an accountant for vat returns etc but will be learning most of the day to day things myself. Both of these packages have an app that links to our Epos system for real time uploading etc but the Xero app has a cost and sage one does not

Could anyone recommend either of these in terms of ease of use, functionality etc. Or is it really a case of both do the same and people just like what they are used to?


What is the best source code web for small shop online website

I want bilding one website from source code web free

Launching E-store, sales tax unclear

We are thinking about launching a small website to sell our hand made tshirts. In NY, there is no sales tax on clothing under $110, but we believe our local district/county has a small tax that is not waived for clothing. We are not sure if we should program our website to collect sales tax on these shirts or not. We are not looking to big a big $$$, just a small, almost craft operation. However we want to follow all rules. What if we only sell a few shirts here and there. Is it even considered a real business? Any advice regarding collecting sales tax for a very small web business, selling only handmade shirts would be appreciated. Looking forward to the conversation here.

help - google webmaster tools not report

I started building websites for 2 weeks and biulding some backlinks. But google webmaster tools dont report "link to your site"
Please give me advice. thank

Hello everybody

I am Luy Do, I am from VietNam 32old year

vendredi 3 mars 2017

How much do I set aside ?

In the process of buying a business was just wondering how much I have to set aside to pay my taxes every year or quarter what percent should I use?

Hello to all my fellow marketers ++

Hello everyone!! Extremely happy to be here and be able to network with others that have common interest and gain some valuable knowledge in marketing from others. Currently in business for myself direct sales representative, and network marketer. I have already built a solid team of people in the last couple months of companies pre-launch, I look forward to not only taking my business to higher heights, I also want to take everything i learn here and share with my fellow distributors so I can help them reach the top with me:) I have lots of questions in the marketing category. First basic question. How do I add my profile picture?

jeudi 2 mars 2017

Should I Work During College?

I figured I'd ask here since this place has the most college graduates at once. I'm going to Bryant University this fall, and I'm wondering if you think I should keep my job at Staples and work part time? Some people have said it's a bad idea, but others recommended it. What's your experience with working and going to college full time?

Video Streaming Business

I want to create a video streaming portal just like YouTube where people can watch, share and upload videos. Currently I'm using free lite version of Streamhash. So far it's okay till now. But I want to know more video streaming service providers before spending money.