jeudi 30 mars 2017

Small Business/Hiring a CPA

I work for a small business, the business brings in about half a million dollars a year.

I am an Operations Manager. The company used to be part of a larger one. When we were part of a larger one I assisted the finance department. I would gather receipts that my department had and made a version of a trial balance in Excel.

When we split on our own my boss wanted me to take over all of the accounting/book keeping process. I've had no training/classes/experience in accounting/book keeping/HR-payroll etc.. But he doesn't seem to think we need an accountant and believes a small business doesn't need anyone else but me because software such as quickbooks allows anyone to do the bookkeeping for a company.
Because I've had no training I'm feeling some frustrations.

My question is for a small business making half a million dollars a year what should the company have? (me and a CPA or Accountant etc.?)
If I stayed doing the bookkeeping how much interaction would I get with an account if we hired one?

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