jeudi 9 mars 2017

Getting rid of employees

My wife is working for a company that pays her $10 and all the other employees minimum wage which I think is $7.?? They want to get rid of her, apparently because of her excess wages. It's a manufacturing job for insulated glasses. The kind of glasses the don't sweat so much on a table.

She has several boss's. They also are surviving on a shoe string, with one customer. They thrive on that customers orders.

Her direct boss told her to supervise the other employees. But won't tell that to them directly. Her boss has the support of all the other management which appears to outweigh the number of employees.

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Two times in my career, employers have forced me into a position to quit. The last one, they had a paper for me to sign. I said 'why don't I just quit'. They never said what was on that paper and took my resignation.

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So she wants to quit. Just out of anger, I'd wait until they get a big order and quit with no notice. That's probably not the best choice.

What is the best way to leave a company in her situation. Remember, we are talking about minimum wage here, not a professional job.

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