mercredi 22 mars 2017

Opinions needed: supplier response time issue

I'd love to get your opinions on this. I have a supplier (who happens to be in Ireland) who makes Irish dog muzzles for me. They're good quality and I haven't been able to find any other suppliers of similar muzzles. It seems to be a small family operation, but they also seem to supply equipment to much of the Irish dog racing industry - so they're reputable and busy.

The last couple of times I bought some muzzles from them, they've pointed out that one of the models that happens to have leather nose padding can have the dog's name printed on it. They told me that's at no extra charge and invited me to ask for that any time. So for the last couple of months I've listed two variations of that muzzle in my shop: one that's pre-printed with the name of the muzzle (Kenel Kosy) which is how they mass-produce them, and a customized version. I offer them at the same price but state in the product description for the customized one that there will be a shipping delay because they are custom-printed.

In the first week of March, a customer ordered two, my first sale of the customized muzzle. I emailed the order to the Irish supplier on March 9th. No response. I expect a confirmation reply at a minimum, and ideally a quote for the price to include shipping so that I can pay them. Emailed them again on March 15th to ask if they've received my first email, no response. I called them on March 17th and they said that the lady who handles email had the flu but they'd check with her and get back to me.

No word, so on March 20th, I called them again. This time I got the lady who handles email and she clearly remembered my order. She said she would have to ask her father in law (who apparently makes the muzzles) and would email me the price so I could pay. As of right now, still no email from them.

So I have a customer who has been waiting nearly two weeks for a shipping notification of the product he bought from me. (I did email him last week to let him know of the delay and he was okay with it.) I understand that I'm not their only customer, and a small order like this comes after larger orders already in the works, but I do expect an emailed response, and two-plus weeks is not an acceptable response time. I'm going to remove the customized muzzle from my shop until/unless I can find an alternative supplier for that.

But my question to you guys is, am I being too impatient? I'm almost ready to email the supplier to tell them to nevermind, and offer my customer my deepest apologies, a refund and/or the non-customized muzzles if he wants them. Or should I wait a few more days? Online shops have to compete at least a little bit with the quick shipping of places like Amazon, so I strive for quickest possible/reasonable shipping. If you were my customer who ordered the muzzles, would you be getting a bit ticked off at not having your purchase in hand by now - two weeks after you placed the order?

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