vendredi 17 mars 2017

Looking for business type / category name that fits my work (reward given)

Please forgive how dumb this might sound.

I want to create a business card with my name and a fitting descriptor e.g. "Trish Smith, Private Analyst / Investor", but I have no idea if that is fitting or could be improved. Also, I want a very short elevator pitch that concisely sums me up. Of course, to answer this you'll need some background...

My background is in IT but I have never considered myself a specialist in any one area. Tbh, this has caused me a lot of problems in the past; "jack of all trades but master of none". I can setup servers (web, mail etc), build basic web applications in php / sqlite. But tbh, I'm more an ideas person. For example, I've previously built web applications to test out business ideas e.g. local business directories.

More so, when I have ideas, I often find myself in the minority only to watch them go mainstream years later by someone else; that's because I failed to connect / collaborate with like minded people. But I have certainly profited from this foresight e.g. I have profited from early investments into apple, google, baidu etc.

Equally, I can say I have an appetite for some risk and I survive on a combination of income streams. For example, I made some capital gains by being an early investor / speculator in cryptocurrencies, and I now receive some dividends by supporting basic cryptocurrency infrastructure.

In the future, I hope to further diversify my income e.g. providing loans to others, and possibly renting out property.

I recently heard someone say that such income is not "investment" as there was no product service provided, that such gains were simply gambling / speculation.. perhaps that is true, I really don't know. But having said that, although I have some failures behind me, I am on-the-whole quite good at seeing where things are going.


Thanks in advance.

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