mardi 28 novembre 2017

(In Development "Zyansias" Galactic Cluster Mod)

Zyansias, a Galactic Cluster mod

As it sounds, this mod replaces the stock solar system with a new system, named Fadophis. However, Fadophis isn't the entirety of the scope for this mod; it also includes a region of nearby stars in the galaxy (Nirad).


Current star systems:

Zyansias (and its nearby stars: Darat, Zintem, Antin, and Flettor, with its one planet, Pirthes). Zyansias is a massive black hole at the center of this star cluster. It provides us with numerous stars caught and made near this singularity. For now it is the centerpiece of this mod.

Tontea, a yellow dwarf star with (currently) one planet, named Cocceen, a massive gas giant which may have been a brown dwarf in the past. It has three moons: Hensi, Teralto, and Ispalis.

Nosar, an orange dwarf star with six planets (three gas giants, three terrestrial worlds). I may possibly add dwarf planets/asteroids in the future however.

Xinony, a tiny red dwarf star with (one currently) three or four planets. For now, only Vinsys, a titan ice planet with an ice moon, both of which have cracks, water and atmospheres.

Fadophis, a blue-white main sequence star with four planets (will increase to six to eight), which are Uonits, Heraut, Caparis, and Plens. Caparis is the home of our race.

Andis/Irau, a massive blue main sequence star with a blue-white companion named Irau. In this system are three planets: Sen, Kahn, and Lynt, an exotic green-white gas giant with massive rings.

Oirator, a white main sequence oblate star with a moderate size planet system. As of yet, no planets have been made for this system.


Mod compatibilities:

Currently, this mod will work with DistantObjectEnhancement and scatterer.

I have not yet made compatibilities with other mods as it is in early development.

-(In Development "Zyansias" Galactic Cluster Mod)

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