mercredi 29 novembre 2017

KSP Keostationary Orbits broken

Stuff on the ground has to deal with hitboxes and landscape colliders.

It's difficult to align stuff in space precisely enough. Your instruments can't tell you when an orbit is correct -- they have floating point errors too. And even if you get it perfect, the orbit will probably stop being perfect a few game ticks later.

Physics and rails are always computed relative to the local sphere-of-influence, to make that dragging irrelevant. Squad did that quite intentionally, as 32-bit floats just aren't precise enough to model a mun landing with Kerbin as the center of the universe.

In pre-Mun versions of KSP, you could tear your ship apart by flying far enough away that floating point errors nudged different bits of your ship different directions. That was the original Kraken, which they "slayed" by adding references of different scales.

Timewarp doesn't have incremental errors, it puts your ship on rails. (Physwarp does, though.) The jumpiness can be many other things, but often means other things switching SOI.KSP Keostationary Orbits broken

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