mercredi 29 novembre 2017

Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical questions

It is possible.

You'd need the 'grenade' to be shaped like a teardrop.

The teardrop is filled with an chemical propellant with a high density and specific energy. It would produce a sharp shockwave.

The conical tail of the teardrop is a wave shaping device. It bends the shockwave by using bubbles to alter the density of the medium the shock wave travels through. This focuses the shockwave down to a point. It is a shaped charge that is potentially powerful enough to detonate a fusion fuel.

At bulbous end is the fission fuel. Fission has a minimum critical mass- for uranium, it is 52kg, for californium, it is 2.73kg. However, if the fission fuel is compressed by the aforementioned shockwave, and surrounded by a neutron reflector, then the minimum mass can be significantly reduced.Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical questions

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