mardi 18 février 2014

Are you prepared to take advantage of free Marketing opportunities? Most aren't.

One thing I've learned over the years in both writing my new blog and the previous one is that many companies aren't ready to take advantage of free press, sales or marketing opportunities.

You'd be surprised how many small independent music labels, and products don't have promotional information about their products readily available to send when requested.

It's typical for a record company to send me a track to listen to, but many times when I contact them and ask for more information about the artist, the new album or any imagery, they don't have it. And more times than not by the time they send it the opportunity has passed.

I'm now noticing the same with other kinds of products. Anytime I get wind of a new story that doesn't have much presence and I want to post about it, I ask the company for press. Many times it's for an upcoming event as close as days away. It's unbelievable how many have nothing prepared or don't get back to me for days.

News and information are consumed quickly these days. If I'm trying to get a story out by Monday (or that same day) and you can't send press until Friday, most times I've moved on.

On the flip side, the ones that do it right have press packs ready and they get them out quickly, have a mailing list for new press releases, or they have a press area on their website where updated information can be downloaded on demand. And those are the labels or companies that always get first priority. Because they make it easy for me to give them free promotion. or do business with them.

Now I see why the same companies always seem to get all of the press.

The same goes for service based businesses. It doesn't happen often, but there are times when "window shoppers" ask for a PDF of prices and services to look over with their associates. It doesn't always lead to a sale right that moment, but if you have nothing ready it most certainly won't be one.

Why is it that so many businesses have the attitude of, "If people want to do business with me, they'll make the effort to contact me or find out more information on their own". Why is that the customers responsibility in order to spend money with you?

If you have a new product, how can you expect to get the word out if you offer absolutely no information about it? Even if you do tons of paid advertising, you can't just advertise "widget" anymore and have people jump. Widgets are a dime a dozen and attention spans are as short as the next item on their Facebook or Twitter news feed.


Just wondering. If someone called you right this second and said "Hey, we're doing an article on [whatever your business is]" or "we're looking for service providers, do you have a PDF or press pack to send over?", do you send them to your website to search around, or do you have anything prepared to send out that tells about your business or services?

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