jeudi 13 février 2014

Technical Consulting LLC - what licenses do I need?

Hi everyone - I have recently incorporated a new technical consulting LLC in Delaware. There are three members of the LLC - myself and two others. We have done all of the necessary paperwork and have an EIN and everything, but before we start doing business we need to figure out what business licenses we need (if any). I have scoured the web and seem to keep coming up empty, so here are the details:

Three members, all living in different states: PA, NY, and MN. We incorporated in Delaware and are using a registered agent.

We will work remotely with clients doing computer programming and other technical contracts involving software in infrastructure. All work is remote - we have no brick and mortar presence.

Now here are my questions:

1. I assume we need a business license - but since all of our work is remote, I am not sure what licenses are required. I would assume we would just need a foreign LLC registration. The confusing part is that the three of us live in different states, so should we just pick one person's house as an "HQ" and get a foreign LLC registration for that site?

2. Do we need to charge sales tax to our clients for our services as consultants?

Thanks in advance for any help - I feel like the situation of having an internet company with people in different states must be common, but I can't find a clear answer for what to do. If you need me to clarify anything please ask.

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