lundi 17 février 2014

Working as a contractor and hiring contractor telemarketers?

Hey everyone, this is a mix of a legal/tax question,

I've started a web development business, and am located in Pittsburg California. I haven't obtained any licenses or registered the business officially yet because there are a few fees included with this that would be a big hit right away. I'm literally starting this whole thing as barebones as possible, and in order to get more business I am looking to hire non-aggressive telemarketers. They would work at home, on their own schedule and with their own equipment, I only provide them with a script and we negotiate a commission. Firstly I want to clarify that that makes them 1099 contractors. Secondly, I have a website, when they call potential clients can they refer to us by the website name, or how does that work? To clarify, I don't have a fictitious name yet, so is it legal to say "hey this is joe from" or even more simply "hey this is joe from xyz"? If that is not legal, what is the alternative if any? My goal is to boost the money I have through telemarketing so I can rush and get the necessary licenses, the fictitious name and the EIN asap but I don't want to be doing anything immoral or illegal here at all.

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