mardi 25 février 2014

Hello from Greenville NH :D

Well, HELLO!

My name is Steve Dewitz, a 33 year old who lives and works in Greenville NH. I've just recently left the transportation industry after 14 years and decided to chase my dream of working from home. Since the beginning of January 2104, I've been working for my self as dewitzMEDIA (hosting for the other 99%). We offer a near full gamut of Web Design and Hosting services. 14 years in the transportation industry leaves you with a lot of down time to learn the tech. My nerd skills also go back to my first PC at age 6, a Tandy TRS80!

I live and work with my three dogs. Ki, a 11 year old male MinPin. Hugo, a 3 year old (in march!) male Pitbull/Mastiff mix and my lovely lady Missy a 4 year old Pitbull. Beyond the Web Design and Hosting work on our free time we like go Hiking. Do a bit of Ski jouring and kick around the house when the mood strikes.

Looking forward to learning a thing or 10 on the board as well as helping other solve issues they may have as well. Of course, it goes without saying the hopes of picking up a customer to two as well Look forward to meeting you all

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