mardi 3 juin 2014

Combine Two or Create New - Experience Please

I've taken on a new product, which is actually a product and installation.

My business is centered around interiors of new homes with about 10 closely related products. Each product has it's own page on the website. However, this product is related to the exterior of any home. I am considering adding it to the other 10 products on the same website, but I'm a little nervous.

A great analogy would be a new home construction plumber expanding into irrigation. They are both related to water and piping, but somewhat separate animals.

My market is wide open where I am located. I haven't had a problem ranking top 2 results over the last five months, all the time adhering to Google's guidelines. I'm not the kind of guy who risks keyword position. I'm in it for the long haul.

2 Questions and first-hand experience would be appreciated.

1) Will this dilute my other 10 products relevance by expanding into a new market?

2) Would I be better of to keep the brand name and expand with a new market? Ex: Swift Plubling - Swift Irrigation?

I'm certain than I would place on maps with "irrigation" in the name. I don't rank maps for all of my current 10 products, but most I do.

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