dimanche 22 mars 2015

16 years old, interested in starting a small business next year

Hi there! I am 16 years old, turning 17 later this year. I've always had this idea of opening up a bottled juice business. Since I was younger, I've always loved juices and the idea of juicing and working around fresh vegetables and fruits and such. I am lucky enough to live in a city where there is a great demand for juices-- namely cold pressed, and organic juices. My goal is to get a stall at a farmers market, and sell my product there -- and if I see that it is doing well then I would try to expand to other farmers markets, and eventually maybe have an actual warehouse to produce these bottled juices in bulk! Ok, I am getting a bit too carried away here. Moving swiftly along.. Most likely, I wouldn't be able to do this on my own-- so I would have to get a partner. I will be starting college next year, and will hopefully be taking some business courses in my freshmen year where I can maybe and hopefully meet someone who wants to start a business with somebody.

I know this idea is nowhere near original, and it doesn't seem like it has much to offer. However, in the future if it ever does grow-- I would want to donate 3-10% of all proceeds to penguin conservation, as I would want the brand to be called "Penguin Juice" or "Penguin Liquids". My main question for you guys is: how can I get started? I have $1200 in my savings currently, and I know for the most part what I need in terms of supplies and such: a heavy-duty cold pressed juicer which would most likely cost me anywhere between $400 and $700, eco-friendly plastic bottles which I'd order in bulk from AliBaba, and some graphic which I could stick onto the bottle.

I've dreamed of doing this for as long as I can remember, and I hope that I can get this done. Responses would be appreciated!

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