mardi 17 mars 2015

Is This A Weak Partnership?

Hello :D

So I have a question about my business partnership. As you may or may not know, I'm a teenage entrepreneur, I cofounded a 3D printing company called Dextron in Summer 2014, and I live and breath business. However, I have been sensing some problems...

So my business partner is going to be going to college this fall. I'll be totally honest, I really don't feel like he's as motivated. I've told him what will end up happening. He's getting a job about an hour away where he doesn't even know his schedule, and his college is about a half an hour away. I know college is tough. I've told him that there might end up being a time where you'll have to drop out and even quit his job, but he gives me an attitude and tells me I don't know what I'm talking about because I've never run a business.

I'd consider my self quite knowledgable about business administration and management. I've been studying it for five plus years. I also have quite a few credits, soon to have college credits in business administration. I know more about it than 99.9% of fifteen year olds that I've met who claim to know more than me, yet he still acts like I don't know what it's going to be like. He thinks just because I've read some articles doesn't mean it's going to get tough. What our company is doing is going to take a lot of work, and to be honest he doesn't want to put any more effort than making the product.

I'm quitting my job to start this company, yet he won't budge. He doesn't want to quit his job nor drop out until he's making an exceptional amount of money, yet that isn't the reality which I don't think he quite understands. I know for a fact he won't dedicate as much time as me into getting this on the map. There are sacrifices he needs to make, but I know he doesn't want to make the same ones as me. I don't know what to do. Is this a bad partnership? How do I come about this?

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