lundi 30 mars 2015

Business Plan Help Please

Hi all!

I will try to keep this short. I recently found a property for sale where I would like to open a business. The property has been used for this type of business since 1970 under a few different owners. It doesn't appear as if the business itself is for sale, just the property. In all reality I will not be able to get financing as I don't have the credit or down payment I would need to get a business loan and the amount of money I need is too high to borrow it from friends and family. I don't think it would be right to start up a go fund me account for this....though there would be a charitable aspect to a part of the business.

Anyway...I have starting working on a business plan and I have a few questions. First, my plan for this property and a plan for starting this type of business from the ground up will be very different. I need about 250,000 to buy this property and get the things I need to get started. The cost to build from scratch would be much higher. Should I write 2? I guess I could modify the first one once this property sells and I know for sure that I've run out of time to get the funds.

I can't seem to figure out how to calculate operational costs. Would it be inappropriate for me to ask the current owners? They aren't selling the business like I said, just the facilities. Same with revenue. I know the going rate for the service, but how can I know how much business I will get?

Lastly, seeing the property in person will be very helpful for writing my plan. I've seen pictures, but I need to know about electric and water sources and the specifics of each building in order to develop a plan for what services I want to offer and how I want to expand in the future. I also need to know if any repair or construction would have to occur. Would it be horrible of me to ask to be shown the property even though I don't have a source of funds to buy it?

Thanks for any help you can offer.

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