mardi 17 mars 2015

Infomercials dead?

I know that most of us are small enough that infomercials aren't an option but I read an interesting piece this week. I've been a life long fan of the show Dallas and I saw that Victoria Principal who was once on the show and has since gone on to have a billion dollar skin care line said she was quoted as saying she felt that there was a glut in the market and it was time to move toward the future of direct skincare sales, which she believed would be a digitally based forum.

I know there are still quite a few infomercials on TV but it struck me as very sharp of her to get out ahead of the pack. With everyone using multiple devices and with the proliferation of video on demand and netflix type services this seems like a very smart decision. I wonder if in a few years we will see infomercials fade away from tv all together. I know I will be watching closely to her plans to see if I can pick up any tips for my little niche :)

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