jeudi 19 mars 2015

Strict Parents: The Most Annoying Thing For Teenage Entrepreneurship


Probably one of most annoying things a teenager who's trying to start a company is their parents. No, I'm not saying all parents are bad. I'm talking about if you have parents like mine. For me, I'm fifteen years old. A sophomore in high school, and skilled baseball player. For about five years I have been studying and learning about business obsessively. However, my parents don't agree.

To start off, don't get me wrong about my parents. They care about me, and get me almost everything I could ask for. I recently got a Macbook Air for my birthday, I've always had food in my stomach, a roof over my head, so I'd say I have a good life. My parents, however, are very strict. They're very random about their rule making. They let me do one thing but don't let me do another. Some of it is very innocent too. I blame this because I feel they're incredibly egotistical.

My parents like to act like we, the children, know nothing about the real world. They like to act like we don't know anything about things they don't understand. My dad is a computer technician. He is a supervisor for Comcast, and makes a decent living. He's great with computer hardware, but horrible with money. My mom is an AID at a hospital and has no computer skills.

Most of the day I don't interact with my parents. My mom likes to yell about just about everything, and my dad, again, has the ego of Kanye West. They both have the hardest time coping with us growing up. They still like to treat my brother and I like we're in preschool. My brother, being as sheltered as he is, allows it to happen because he doesn't see a way out of it. Everything my parents say is correct in his world. The kid is 13, still believes in every mythical creature including the tooth fairy, and still watches Disney Channel on a day-to-day basis. Myself, however, knows this isn't normal, and knows to rebel against such sheltering techniques. They don't like that at all. Since I was 13, my parents and I have been in countless fights because of how I act. They like to tell me I'm stupid, I don't know what I'm talking about, I'm annoying, etc. but the second I comment on their intelligence about a certain subject, I'm the bad guy. After about two years of convincing, they finally did let me get a PayPal account so I can make money online. I have made a reasonable amount of money freelancing, but you don't understand how many fights I've gotten in about this website. We've fought so much because they don't comprehend how advanced I am in this subject.

They claim their so supportive, they bought a new computer (which by the way has nothing to do with my company, it was a birthday gift), how they give me everything and there's no reason I should want to make my own money, etc. Every other parent I talk to says they're probably mentally incapable of raising a teenager, but I guess that's just them. My parents DO NOT trust me with my own money. I have tried convincing them to let me purchase stock, but my dad doesn't trust me and his information on eTrade or ScottTrade. I've even tried convincing them to invest in the stock market, but nope. It's always "You're fucking annoying" or "you're fucking stupid". They don't think I know anything about business. I can't explain ANYTHING to them. They're the most stubborn people I know. Why are they like this? THE EGO.

They don't like the idea of me not being a kid. They have no problem insulting my intelligence about something I clearly know more about, but, again, the second I comment on their intelligence of a subject, I'm the bad guy. Their top most used comment about me is "Just because I read it on the internet doesn't mean it's correct" as if because I Google things means it's automatically false information. They act like I am just flat out stupid. There was one time where we fought, my dad called me a "fucking idiot. You act like you fucking know everything". So what did I do? I told him he's a "stubborn asshole who needs to stop acting like an ass." What did he do? Nothing. He apologized later. But what did that solve? Nothing. The next day he was still making the same naive comments as before. They don't like the sound of me being more successful than them. I know it drives them crazy. He acts like I have no brain thought when it comes to finance, and I'm sick of it.

They are also the most unbelievably controlling people in the entire Earth. They want more control over my life than any parent. What's their excuse? "We're just being parents." No you sure as hell aren't. What you're doing is putting limits all over something I love so you can sleep better at night. They act like they have it so rough too. They tell me I'm such a bad kid. Oh no, I want control over my money and want you to leave me alone and let me do my own thing with my company. I could be, oh I don't know, could be acting like every other teenager. Want me to smoke some pot, drink some alcohol, have some sex? Would that make you feel better? No it sure as hell wouldn't would it?

So in conclusion, they're egotistic and annoying about everything I do in business. They, again, act like I don't know anything, and all my knowledge is fall because I just "Google things". I'm so sick and tired of this. At this point, I'm strongly considering emancipation because I cannot start a company with this type of weight on my back constantly. What do I do? I can't reason with them. They're stubborn. Everything I say is wrong. My brother is the perfect kid to them because he doesn't rebel to their horrid parenting skills. I've made a post like this on Yahoo! Answers, and just about 9/10 answers told me I'm "misguided". I don't know if I even want to talk to them anymore, really. It's too out of hand. Any thoughts?

Sorry about the language. It's just how it is, though. :/

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