mercredi 23 septembre 2015

How to deal with annoying "regulars" that never buy anything.....

I've got a situation that is growing more and more annoying each day. An elderly man comes in every morning to my small store and wants to talk and sit idle... he NEVER buys anything (the one time he bought something I had to refund him the next day). To make matters worse he's vulgar and constantly chews tobacco and spits in a plastic cup.... He also can't keep from handling everything within reach on the counters. I can't just tell him to get lost because: A: He's elderly, B: He's crippled and in a motorized wheelchair, and C: He's the kind that would make sure to tell everyone in town I threw him out because he's old and wheelchair bound and any other lies he thinks up. In other words, I wish he'd just stay home!

It's become to the point where I can write off the first 2 hours of each day because I know he's going to discourage paying customers and annoy me enough to keep me from working. To make matters worse, he'll spill his nasty spit cup about every three days and his wheelchair has caused damage to every counter and doorway in the store....

What am I to do? The best strategy I've been able to come up with is to just say "hi" and then try to look really busy, but even then he'll sit for about an hour before leaving. I also tried to tell him one day that I was just busy and couldn't talk, and that didn't go well.... and he about broke my door with his power chair when leaving in anger.. but started coming back about three days later. I'm at the point where I can feel my blood pressure go up when he starts wheeling in..... How do you deal with people like that? I've even thought about making my store UNhandicap accessible just to keep him out! It's driving me nuts!

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