jeudi 24 septembre 2015

young person trying to gauge co owners intentions, please help!

hey all!

i was recently approached by my store manager asking if i would be interested in opening a franchise chain with her and another partner...i have worked my butt off and earned recognition from the higher ups at this franchise. she happened to know that i do have access to some serious funds for a 19 year old.

we get along great at work, and outside of work. and she has never tried anything fishy with me every before. i know my worth and i know i would be ready to co-own a business. solo i would not be doing too well, i can admit that. i simply dont have enough experience to feel comfy on a solo risk like this. but the very first thing that came to mind was "most people dont mess with 19 year olds with this kind of stuff. what if im being played for some funding, and what would the profit cuts look like?"

so i asked a few brief questions, i was told profits would be split up evenly, 1/3 1/3 1/3. i was happy with that.

but i dont feel comfortable asking someone who could be giving me a real shot, if they just need me for money. that seems distasteful to me, especially someone i have a good current relationship with.

1: in all likely hood, from what i have mentioned, am i being used?
2: is this a chance i should jump on ether way?
3: what are some KEY things i should keep my eyes out for during the finalization of the paper work, and any other details?
4: best course of action if i feel like something is sketchy?

thank you guys for reading, being asked to put down this much money on starting a sure fire franchise opportunity is exciting, its stressful, and i need some guidance!


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