jeudi 17 septembre 2015

People are crazy in politics

Sorry to make another post about politics, Harold Mansfield but I wanna share something and get some input c:. Okay, so tonight I went to my first political rally. For the past couple days I have really been looking into politics as a career choice for a couple of reasons. The first being I love politics, I've been interested in it way before business (I used to watch the news when i was in 1st grade just to find out what George W. Bush was doing). I also have my shared love for the business and investing world but I've been torn.

To be completely honest it's been kind of going back and forth in my mind for a very long time. Due to financial problems with Stacktron and reputable problems (we had a huge issue with this website because everyone, that has failed in web hosting, was making a hell storm that I'm 16, yet everyone successful defended me but whatever) I'm not really sure I'm going to be super involved with Stacktron anymore. We'll see, but that's not the point of this topic.

Anyways, I live in Maine, yes, but I also live right on the border from New Hampshire. In Rochester (about 20 minutes from my house) Donald Trump was running a political rally. I've always wanted to see one, and Donald Trump is an A-list celebrity. Plus I have an incredible amount of respect for him so I really wanted to meet him and see him in real life.

Well, I went to this rally. Holy hell it was culture shock. Now in Rochester, i know one of the members is from around here, but the high school is Spaulding High School. Well, a while ago they build a new school but due to the building sinking they moved everyone back to the old school and made the new school a community center. I got tickets online (they were free), and I showed up. After waiting for 20 minutes to get in we went into this huge gym (we sat about 8 rows away from him). I don't know if any of you have been to a political rally, if you haven't keep reading.

So we sit down and this guy sits next to me, he's an independent and we talk about politics and business. I told him I'm really deciding but I'm leaning over democratic, so he asked why I was a republican rally so I said it was because I really want to hear both sides and see Donald Trump. Well, he then said "well don't let anyone here find out you're democratic. That won't turn out well." That was red flag #1. I was with my dad at this thing, he's not political at all, but I needed a ride and he wanted to meet Trump too. So then this radio show host comes on the stage and is talking, it's very innocent. Nothing bad. Then the guest speakers start talking...

The first guy was a local veteran. He sh*t talked democrats, Obama, Obamacare, illegal immigrants, etc. throughout the whole speech and basically bloated about how amazing Trump is. The second was on the New Hampshire State Legislature. He also boasted about how Obama is the antichrist of America and whatever. I knew they were going to trash talk Democrats but it was absolutely out of hand. They sounded like a Comedy Central Roast. The third guy was a retired army guy for NH and he did the same but only worse than anyone else.

Anyways, we waited and then all of a sudden you see flashing lights. The song "we're not gonna take it" came on and Donald Trump came out. He started talking and whatever. He was saying how Bernie Sanders shouldn't be president (everyone would boo). Then he said "if you're a democrat please stand up". I was about to stand but the guy next to me pushed me down and said "if you want to leave alive do not stand up." Red flag #2. I thought this guy was like a borderline serial killer so I asked why. He promptly said "I'm guessing this is your first rally. These people take these elections super seriously." That's not even the worse part.

Now there's this guy with a huge beard. Donald is now answering questions so this guy legit starts quoting a bible verse on greed, money, etc. and then takes flowers and tries to walk towards Trump and throw them at him. Of course, the security intervened. Everyone around me was saying stuff like "he's gonna get his ass kicked" and "what a f'n piece of scum'. Then these guys started screaming something, they were super loud. I don't know what it was. You could tell Trump was getting really annoyed by them but he was trying to keep his cool. Then this guy literally grabs these screaming guys and literally starts a fight. They're screaming at eachother, pushing eachother, and the police are breaking it up. Of course, at the same time Trump isn't saying a word, he's kind like trying to keep his cool so he doesn't make it worse.

Donald is really an excellent speaker. I don't know if it was just me mesmerized of it being Donald Trump the billionaire or he's very good at talking. He made a lot of points and really made me question my democratic status. Even my dad is a full supporter of Trump now. He does have a ton of points, the fact he constantly makes international trades and really knows how this stuff works he could possibly make America rich again and make us a respected country again, but at the same time government really is kind of different than a company.

At the end of the day I just wanted to share my experience and get your input. I'm gonna go to all the candidate's rallies, both democrat and republican. Are all rallies really like this? People fighting and stuff?

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