lundi 14 septembre 2015

Meet the Man NASA Paid $18000 To Lie In Bed 70 Days Straight

Years ago a friend of mine had mentioned hearing about this study and we discussed how tough it would actually be to endure 70 days strictly in bed.


Iwanicki told NextShark that the first five days in bed were the most difficult for him because his mind and body were adjusting to a whole new environment:

“I’ve never had any serious type of hospitalization, so the idea of bed rest was a very foreign idea. Then the fact that I was not able to sit up makes it more extreme. Physically, it was a painful experience; the body is not used to laying down for extended periods of time.

“I experienced some serious headaches because the blood pressure increased in my head. My spine went through some serious pain. Staying horizontal is difficult. I’ve been told that it is difficult for the spine to deal with all the pressure of the organs lying on the spine throughout the day.”

Iwanicki was not allowed to lay down flat like people might normally do. His bed was tilted at a negative six-degree angle with his feet over his head. Fortunately, Iwanicki was allowed to turn to his side and stomach:

“In the first couple of days, I would curl into the fetal position so I could extend my back and release some of the pressure. I spent most of my day rolling over from my back to my stomach to change things up and relieve some of the pressure on my spine.”

If that wasn’t bad enough, Iwanicki also had to follow a strict sleeping schedule. He explained:

“I was on a regimented sleep schedule. Lights out at 10 p.m., lights on at 6 a.m. No napping allowed during the day, which is one of the cruelest jokes about being stuck in bed all day, not being able to nap.”

Meet the Man NASA Paid $18,000 to Lie in Bed For 70 Days Straight

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