mardi 28 novembre 2017

Realism Overhaul Discussion Thread

Space Station

Crewed Venus flyby

Mars - shortstay mission + Phobos, Deimos

Mars - longstay mission

Mobile Lunar Laboratory

Mission to Ganymede

These are things which I've done within 40 years after finishing Apollo program.

My interplanetary missions required 8-12 launches to LEO and each launch was somewhere around 150-290 t to LEO. Really the only way to reduce the amount of launches is to build much larger launch vehicle. For instance 1000 t to LEO rocket would be able to launch entire Mars mission in one go. With current technology (chemical propulsion or solid core nuclear engines) you can't just launch interplanetary mission using single heavy launcher.

You can disable boiloff for nuclear engines - here is how to do that:

No, the best hypergolic engine in RO has an vacuum isp of 340 seconds - that's too low for any high delta V maneuver in deep space.Realism Overhaul Discussion Thread

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