mardi 28 novembre 2017

What did you do in KSP today?

*sigh* It's no fun posting in here when you can't include Imgur images... a thing I still can't do.

Built another shuttle, full size. Was able to launch and get up to my space station, with much effort and stick management, and dock, although docking wasn't as easy as with my Zebra-Shuttle. The return trip was disappointing. For all my efforts to build a ship which could glide in, which all indications pointed to it being able to do so, it glided about as well as a dog turd. A cow flop would have soared better. I also overshot KSC by more than 20km, and ditched in the sea. The crew survived, barely.

PSA for new players building space stations: Keep in mind that action key assignments carry over (so to speak) to the station you're docking to, and that pressing keys you think will cause actions on that ship you just docked can also trigger assignments to station sections and/or other docked vessels that are using those same keys - but assigned to other actions. Case example: I hit key 3 thinking it would open the cargo bay doors on my shuttle... which it did... but it also jettisoned the heat shielding on the escape pods I had docked to the station. *facepalm*What did you do in KSP today?

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