mercredi 5 février 2014

Thinking of starting up a new blog. Again. Tips and Opinions are welcomed.

So...I've had a few blogs over the years. The most significant was my Dance Music blog of about 3 years. It had decent traffic...around 500-700 visitors a day with 3x's as many total page views, with visitor spikes up to around 1200+ on certain days. It was enough to make a few bucks on it, and to have labels, artists and managers regularly send me press, new releases, run contests and so on.

That also spun into having the Electronic Dance Music section on Examiner, which didn't really do much for me. And there are so many ads on Examiner that it just turned me off.

Then business started picking up and it was harder and harder to keep 2 blogs updated every day until I eventually let them go, didn't renew the URL (that was a big mistake), and just left the Facebook page inactive.

Someone else registered the domain, but everyone who used to frequent my site knew it wasn't me. And now the URL hosts some crap pay day loan blog.

Every now and then someone will message me on Social Media about when I'm going to start it up again.

Since then I've started a politics blog, and a few others, wrote a few articles for other people....but there was always something missing. I wasn't really doing it the way I wanted. I was playing it too safe and that bored me to death.

So I've decided to do it again. This time with no concern for who may or may not like it, and about the things that I like writing about...even if the category structure has no rhyme or reason. Basically I get tired of writing about the same subject matter everyday. I like to mix it up. Music will always take precedence, but I know more and find more things interesting than just that.

I've also learned a lot more about promotion and marketing since then. Tools are better and the social media landscape has kind of calmed down now so it's easier to see opportunities and where you fit in.


  • Already have 500 Facebook Page Fans, 1500+ Twitter followers, and Around 300 Newsletter Subscribers...all from the old get it kick started.

  • Get to do it the way that I always wanted to and not based on any cookie cutter template of how to structure a niche blog.

  • I miss getting free stuff, tickets, invitations, and new music (just being honest).

  • I miss blogging.

  • I know how to make money at it.

  • I need more outlets than just work.


Will I have the time?

Just curious how many people have started blogs in the past and let them go. And what were some of the reasons why?


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