mardi 17 février 2015

Courier Service Legal Requirements

Hi, I'm not sure if this is the correct area for this but I'm a little lost here and am not sure where to turn.

A little about me. I own a very small courier service. I have four independent contract workers that work for me. Right now with what we currently focus on delivering my contractors mainly work during the hours of 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. We average a profit of 47% which is what I take home as pay. I have incorporated the business as an LLC as well.

The problem is that even with 47% profit I, and my IC's are just not making enough money because our total revenue is too low. This is not a problem of pricing or with pay. This is due to the volume of orders and the time in which the orders happen. This is unlikely to change due to the nature of my business.

I've been wanting to expand to other aspects of the courier business. One area I've considered expanding into is the legal sector. Now, we are not interested in Process Serving or Skip Tracing as I know that myself and my IC's are just not prepared for that. We would like to move into documents and filing for law firms.

My problem is that I know very little about the legal sector. So, my questions are as follows:

What kind of needs do legal firms have for couriers?

What do legal courier's normally charge for their services?

What do legal firms need from a courier service before they will hire them?

Do we need to be bonded? We are not yet because we have been told repeatedly that there's no point in getting bonded because the things we deliver are not really insurable.

Any other documentation or insurance that legal firms might require of a courier service?

I'm just trying to go into this with the most information possible because I do not want to look like I don't put effort into my business. Thank you for any help you can provide.

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