mardi 31 mars 2015


i do use forums to answer questions and to ask questions

if my answer by the point view of an admin , is okay or NOT

i would love to read your point of view , other wise am wasting my time here and not learning

I need help with a user study. You could win $50!

I'm conducting a user study on the marketing needs of small businesses. If you are a small business owner, start-up or if you directly impact the marketing decisions of a small business, please take a moment to complete this short survey and you can enter for a chance to win a $50 Visa gift card.

Hello everyone!

Hi there, guys,

I've been trying to participate in the community for a while, but none of my posts have been approved.

So I've decided to introduce myself first)

Hope to add some value to the forums.



lundi 30 mars 2015

The Road to Successful Marketing

With all the marketing resources available to us today, you would think marketing would be easier than ever. The truth is, because there are so many options it is just that much more difficult to find the marketing tactics that work for your business. Specific marketing techniques do not work for every type of business, and there is a lot that company owners have to analyze in order to choose the right marketing strategies without wasting valuable money. There are marketing guidelines, however, that every type of company can follow and succeed from.

Get your products out there

The best way to bring in business is by getting consumers to fall in love with the products. Consumers are easy to win over, and once you have sold them on certain products chances are they will keep coming back and bringing other consumers with them. Sometimes getting consumers to fall in love with products means giving the products away, and many companies cringe at that idea. What these companies do not understand is that they will more than likely not lose a dime on products that are given away because they will just gain more business.

Endorsements and sponsorships

If your business is a high end business that can afford to pay top celebrities and athletes to promote your products, more power to you. If affording celebrities and athletes is not in your budget, you are not alone, but that does not mean you should rule out the idea of endorsements. According to Forbes, sometimes it is more effective to get 30-50 lesser known yet socially influential people to promote your products, and it is definitely more affordable than paying the top celebrities to do the same thing. If endorsements are not your thing, look into sponsoring community events in order to get consumers to know who you are.

Build a presence in the community

In order to grow as a business, companies must first win over the consumers in their community. The more consumers you can win over locally means it will be much easier to expand the business and win over consumers all over the country or even the world. Consumers who have a good experience with your business will do most of the promoting for you through word of mouth, social media and references. Do not do yourself a disservice by not giving special attention to your community, because the local consumer hold the keys to your success if you are looking to grow substantially.

Marketing news brought to you by paypercallmarket .com

Source: forbes .com/sites/markfidelman/2014/08/26/8-cutting-edge-marketing-tactics-that-work-better-than-facebook-ads/

Buying a business thats not profitable

Hi all,

I am interested in purchasing a businesses "name and all trademarks".

They do have some inventory but I am not interested in any of it except for maybe the website.

Right now she is in the hole fairly good, so there is some real motivation to move on so to speak.

I am new here so I am not asking for someone to do my eval just help me see the path to go about making a fair offer.

all help and/or direction is much appreciated


Hi from the deep south

A big hello from the deep and dirty south....

Looking forward to learn a few things here.

First on my list is to dig up some info on where to start when offering a price on purchasing a business that is not profitable nor has it been.

But the trademarks and names are important to my branding.



Syrian Electronic Army hacks 5 biggest hosting companies

I've been dealing with this since 7 last night. Finally got some confirmation from one of the company's tech support this morning about what was happening.

Apparently they hacked Endurance Group companies including Bluehost, Justhost, Hostgator, Hostmonster and FastDomain.

A security tech I spoke to this morning told me that on her network alone they have over 100K sites affected. I also heard that Go Daddy was hit too, but can't confirm.

A few blog posts are starting to come out about it.

I haven't heard any official word from the hosting companies, but then again they don't publicize when things like this happen.

If you're affected it's not the normal SEA logo... your site will be just a white screen with some symbols in the top left corner. At least that's what I saw on a client's site last night before it was restored.

5 Biggest Hosting Companies hacked by Syrian Electronic Army - Hacker News

Syrian Electronic Army hacks Bluehost, Justhost, Hostgator, Fastdomain and Hostmonster

Business Plan Help Please

Hi all!

I will try to keep this short. I recently found a property for sale where I would like to open a business. The property has been used for this type of business since 1970 under a few different owners. It doesn't appear as if the business itself is for sale, just the property. In all reality I will not be able to get financing as I don't have the credit or down payment I would need to get a business loan and the amount of money I need is too high to borrow it from friends and family. I don't think it would be right to start up a go fund me account for this....though there would be a charitable aspect to a part of the business.

Anyway...I have starting working on a business plan and I have a few questions. First, my plan for this property and a plan for starting this type of business from the ground up will be very different. I need about 250,000 to buy this property and get the things I need to get started. The cost to build from scratch would be much higher. Should I write 2? I guess I could modify the first one once this property sells and I know for sure that I've run out of time to get the funds.

I can't seem to figure out how to calculate operational costs. Would it be inappropriate for me to ask the current owners? They aren't selling the business like I said, just the facilities. Same with revenue. I know the going rate for the service, but how can I know how much business I will get?

Lastly, seeing the property in person will be very helpful for writing my plan. I've seen pictures, but I need to know about electric and water sources and the specifics of each building in order to develop a plan for what services I want to offer and how I want to expand in the future. I also need to know if any repair or construction would have to occur. Would it be horrible of me to ask to be shown the property even though I don't have a source of funds to buy it?

Thanks for any help you can offer.

dimanche 29 mars 2015

Questions on Applying for a loan for an established gas station?


I am wanting to start investing my money when I turn 18, I am 17 right now and I am thinking of ways on how I can purchase a gas station to run. My questions are when I apply for a loan can I use a personal loan from wells fargo or a federal credit union? Or does It have to be a SBA 7a loan? Also, when I am purchasing a new gas station can I use there previous business plan for the loan?


Created a new website and logo. I need your opinion!

I've just relaunched my website with a new theme and logo I designed and created. I thank you all for your critique and input.

Here is my website on the side: Roadside Assistance Providers

Open For Service is a movement for facilitating businesses, institutions, and other organizations to let current and prospective customers, clients, and guests know that they do not discriminate -- that they serve everyone. For a $10 donation you can get a 4" diameter window/door sticker (with profits going to benefit SCORE). In addition there are graphics that can be posted on one's website. This is a brand new movement, but their intention is to create a directory of all the businesses that join up, as well.

When can/should I trademark my business name?

I believe that I have a very unique business name for the service I will be providing and the people I will be providing this service for. However, the business plan is a work in progress. Can I or should at right now secure the name before establishing my business structure? I would like to freely use the name to create a buzz, get a consensus, as well as campaign for funding. Am I too early to go ahead and trademark the name without even having a business to really register? At what point can I or should I? Thanks in advance.

samedi 28 mars 2015

So many questions

Hi all!

I recently came across a property for sale that is currently a business with a home on the property. The property is a pet boarding facility with several buildings and room to expand the business. I really want to buy the property and start a boarding/grooming/training business there. Of course, I have no source of funding and no down payment, so it's probably not going to happen. When talking to my dad about it, he said that business loans require pretty much perfect credit (which I don't have), and down payment (which I don't have...I'm a full time non traditional college student and single mom, so I'm not working right now), but it is a good goal to reach for in the next few years. So now I want to start down that path. From what I've been reading, the first thing I need to do is write up a business plan. I can do that, but I would be writing it based on the property I want to purchase. I would not be buying the business, just the property that is already set up and ready to run the business as soon as all legalities are sorted (licenses etc). In all likelihood, I will not be able to secure funding before the property sells and that would change my business plan as well as dramatically increase the amount of money I need to start (buying property and setting up kennels etc from scratch vs buying a property that is ready to go). How would I address this on a business plan? Should I write one based on the property I'm interested in or based on starting a boarding kennel from the ground up?

My other question is about how to figure out what my potential income would be? Do I just research boarding costs at other area boarding facilities (there aren't many around here) and grooming shops to estimate the potential income of the business?

One last one lol...I roughly estimate that I will need $250,000 to purchase the property and equipment/supplies to get started. Is this considered a large amount to start a business? The property includes a home that I would live in, so I wouldn't have a mortgage/rent payment to pay on top of the payments for the business funding. I may actually be way off on my start up cost. I admit that I haven't researched how much money I should have when starting (such as having enough to run the business for X amount of time while waiting for revenue to become steady).

Thanks for any help anyone can give. I'm not asking anyone to do my homework for me, just point me in the right direction to find the answers I need.

vendredi 27 mars 2015

Buy Micromax Canvas Hue AQ5000 in Chennai - Gadget World

Buy Micromax Canvas Hue AQ5000 Dual Sim smartphone comes with Android KitKat 4.4.2, 5 inches AMOLED screen, 8 MP camera

Buy Micromax Canvas Hue AQ5000 in Chennai at

Buy Apple iPhone 6 in Chennai - Gadget World

Buy Apple iPhone 6 in Chennai. The best price of Apple iPhone 6 64GB in Chennai. It comes with 4.7 inch and 8 MP camera

Buy Apple iPhone 6 in Chennai at

Anyone design and print their own marketing info?

Just wondering, can anyone recommend a good printer for under $1,000 that can print postcards, brochures, stickers, etc... in high quality? And is there decent art software that's user friendly so I can design them? Microsoft Office isn't doing it for me and neither is my cheap HP printer that I paid $150 for and our local graphics designer/printer is charging up the yin yang. Thanks :)

Google Certifications

So I've spent the last few days taking my Google AdWords and Analytics certification exams. Now that I'm done, do people even care about that? Potential employers, potential clients, and potential competition do it set me a part from them? Is it enough, on top of my blog postings and other works I do, to show that I'm an expert?

What do you think and your suggestions?

Scams targeting Web Designers

Earlier this week I got a message through a Contractors review site inquiring about web design services. The person sounded like any other inquiry. They mentioned a few things about their business, showed me a few sites that they liked in their industry and wanted to emulate, claimed to be in Texas, and then went even further and said that they had a $6k budget. So I go through the motions of responding, asking questions about what they want...blah, blah, blah.

I ended the reply as I always do stating that I need to speak with them on the phone before I can determine any kind of price.

The next day she ( or who ever they were) responded saying that my proposal sounded great and that they were interested in getting started right away. (I hadn't sent a proposal. I CLEARLY requested phone conversation first). She went on to say that she was in the hospital so a phone conversation would be difficult, but that she had transferred $6k into her CC account and was ready to send a deposit. (Mind you, we haven't discussed any price).

But first, she needed a favor. Her web consultant, the person with the copy and images, wasn't able to receive credit card she was going to give me her credit card number to manually charge $5k and I was to take $2.4k and make a cash deposit into her consultants account so that we would both have our deposits.

Oh, and for my troubles I could keep an extra $100.

Of course this is the oldest scam on the web. What would have happened had I been stupid is that I would have gotten a temporary approval of the funds, I would have then sent $2.5K to this stranger, and then soon after my bank would tell me that the CC was stolen, fraudulent, or whatever and the funds were denied and I'd be out $2,500 to some scam artist half way around the world.

A few things stood out right away that let me know this was probably not a reputable person from the beginning.

  1. They claimed to be in business, but were using a free gmail address. And not even a vanity one.

  2. No email signature. No company info.

  3. They specifically asked that I respond to the gmail address and not through the website messaging system.

  4. They asked if I was the owner.

  5. They asked if they could give their credit card over the phone so that I could run it manually.

  6. They gave a budget up front in the initial communication. No one does that.

  7. They claimed to be from Texas but the grammar, punctuation and rest of the email looked like they were written by a 12 year old kid who was just learning English.

  8. They misspelled their own name.

  9. It was already an obvious scam, but they really over reached with the extra $100.

I've seen these scams forever, but this is the first time I've seen them in my industry. Also the fact that they paid to have an account on this Contractors site so that they could have access to it's listings is new.

I did contact the site and they had already gotten multiple calls about it and the scammers account was closed.

Just goes to show, they're everywhere so be careful out there.

jeudi 26 mars 2015

Business Partners would like to remove a slacker partner


We are a 4 year old S corp in California with 5 equal owners. All 5 owners are also employees and we have about 50 employees in the service industry. 1 owner does very little and he usually doesn't even show up for work and we have to make excuses for him to other staff and its embarrassing. The other owners would like the slacker owner not to be part of the business anymore. We are going to a lawyer in a month but thought I would get some information first. We think the owner can be fired from his position in the business but not sure and we would like to buy the 20% stock and disperse the stock evenly to the remaining hard working owners. I hope we're not stuck with him owning the business. We are friendly still but obviously things might get ugly once we approach him to leave amicably. The other thing is we don't want him anymore even when he promises to pull his weight as we know his cycles.

Can someone please advise me? I assume partner problems are a common business issue.

Thank you very much!

Using stock options to lower income tax?

Lets say I have a small company and I pay myself a salary of 200k / year. I'm in the 33% tax bracket. I've thought about a strategy to lower my taxes to about 20%, but not sure if it's viable. Would love some input.

The key here is that I don't mind waiting for a few years to get my money.

I've thought about taking the company public (just OTC pink slips, not listed in the NYSE or anything prestigious like that). Then I could pay myself $35,000 / year (15% tax bracket) plus $165,000/ year in stock options. The stock options would be set at a low strike price with say a one month expiration, pretty much guaranteeing I get the stock.

I would keep the stock for one year and then sell it back to the company. Now my compensation would fall under the long term capital gains tax which I believe would come to 15%.

Is there anything wrong or potentially illegal with this strategy? Or any way to improve it? I wouldn't mind writing annual reports and doing some accounting for the OTC statements in order to keep an extra 30k+ year.

High PR blogs sites

These are best blogs site. Share other blog creation sites


I want create backlink for movie site. please share your opinion how i can generate traffic and backlink.

Social sites list



please other social sites which is helpful to generate traffic.

mercredi 25 mars 2015

Anyone know about printing rewards/gift cards/players cards and such?

Anyone know anything about the machine you would need to print your own plastic, credit card type cards that companies use to create gift cards, rewards cards and such?

I'm looking for what those machines are called so that I can price them. I'm sure if I get that far I can find out about supplies, how you order the cards, raised lettering and all that jazz.

Any help is appreciated.


Marketing strategy for International Freight Forwarding?

Hello, Hope i can find some answers and be welcomed to this community.

Anyways, this is a story. We run Freight Forwarding Business out of Megalopolis(US) for over 25 years. Being located in the port city is already a huge plus for us. Over these years we have earned a huge connections and trust with international ocean cargo carriers. Our Board of directors were so busy doing business until they found out that business development (marketing,promotions) migrated to World Wide Web to them it's an unknown territory. They hired someone to make a website 13 years ago and haven't changed it since except for some once a year small changes( contact info) other than that the website is completely useless i mean it has all the info like "about" "contact info" and general info" Not much you can do on it.The whole web interface is from early 2000s anyway website is another story which is not that important at moment.

The other day our boss came up with brilliant idea. He brought some magazine(heavy equipment auctions) from a mailbox and said it might be a good idea to call dealers and offer our services ;);););) So this is literally his way to get clients.

i've pushed all my knowledge to promote company info on the web. And i have no advanced experience in social or web or marketing skills whatsoever. But anyway i have set up a Facebook page and Google+ Made up flyer and sent to manufacturing companies (2000 mails in total). Got a twitter account( i don't know how it works) and placed business info and services on bing,yahoo,yp and so on. Got google maps on with company info so far since i've set it up our google plus page been visited 6000 times over 2 weeks. I hope our echo is scattering around the net.

stuff like business card,pens been done for a while it's already known.

I'm not saying our company is lost or doesn't make any profit.. We do!!! we actually doing pretty ok! But i fear we might see some cracks under our feet if we don't push our business to a new marketing strategy.

Hope you understand. Any suggestions will be a huge huge help!

Our services offer exporting (cars,heavy equipment,container shipping and so on) We ship from US to Africa, Europe, Middles East ,Asia!

Thanks for you time

sorry for me grammar i've moved to us recently

Entrepreneurship Student Research

Hello everyone, I am currently a student enrolled at Cal State Fullerton pursuing a degree in business entrepreneurship. For a class project my team and I are working with a start up company, and as a part of that project we are trying to conduct research to direct the start ups focus' on the right path for success. So to obtain that research we are sending out surveys that ask a few general questions about your business and how you advertise your business. You guys are the type of people that we want to talk to and would highly appreciate if you would complete our survey. You will be helping us further our education as entrepreneurs as well! The link will be posted below if you are interested in helping out.

Thank You.

Online Survey Software | Qualtrics Survey Solutions

mardi 24 mars 2015

How to start White Hat SEO?

SEO is the acronym for Search Engine Optimization. It is the process of optimizing a website for good exposure and online presence of business in search Engine. Through it business owners can spread their products and services to remote areas of the world without much physical efforts. We provide best services in the fields of SEO and we make your business get listed on top searches of Google for more leads and chances of online conversions. Browse our website and select package what your business prefers.

Private Co. Share Buyback

Hi Everyone

This is my first post. I'm hoping someone can guide me to getting information on the following topic:

We are a small private corporation ($18mm in sales) and have a few investors that have some A Round and Common Shares. We want to buy back these shares from some of the investors. They don't receive any dividends and we never hear from them so I would think they would be interested in selling them back to us. We definitely will speak to our Attorney when we start but I wanted to get familiar with it before we ask an Attorney to educate us us on it.

Questions are:

*How do we go about doing this

*How do we figure out the price of the shares (again we are a private co.)

*How long do you think it will take

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!!


Hello everyone, I am new here.

lundi 23 mars 2015

How long does it take to see web results?

After hiring an internet marketing agency for my business, how long it will take to see measurable results.

Business Unfairness?

Say a business has an exclusive license to sell equipment from a foreign manufacturer. Is it illegal or bad business practice to use that license to purchase the equipment (at cost) and use it to start a separate business. Is that unfair? Could it hurt the relationship between the business and the manufacturer?

Help Elaine Retire

I am 74 yrs old and want to retire. I work full time, but due to my expenses I am unable to retire. Please help! I cannot keep working as I am having trouble driving. Please help me!

I am desperate! I have worked all my adult life, but never had earned enough money to save for retirement! Please, please help me....I don't know what I'm going to do, as I cannot keep working. Please give whatever you can to help me. Thank you and my prayers are with you.

Should I notify my registered agent about changes in OA?

I use a registered agent for my LLC and I'm curious if I need to send new Operating Agreement or not (most changes about ownership and new articles)?

Please help.

Hello All - IT support

Hello All,

Nice to see a group of people with same goals in life. thanks.

I am providing IT support for small business. Please contact me if you have any requirements.

dimanche 22 mars 2015

Retail Space

I would love to get some feedback.

My husband and I are looking into opening a small ladies boutique in the 1500 sft range. We live in an area with an up and coming Main Street area and we are torn between two locations on the Main Street. We are really torn on these two spots:

Site A is about 23'x85' with additional office space/storage in the back. It is very open with probably 12-15' tall tin ceilings that are painted a horrible color--we would have to pay someone to paint the entire ceiling. It was previously a deli type establishment and the owner would have to remove all the "stuff" for that and then we are left with one large, long room. It is a bit longer then what we could fill with apparel (we have our own funds and don't wish to borrow) We would have to repaint walls/ceiling and build our own fitting rooms as well as create a barrier to cut off part of the back of the store. The floors are the old white tile and would at some point need to be carpeted, hard wood, something. The owner will be replacing the roof on the back area space and plans to create an entire new facade on the front as well as create a stairwell to the upstairs. It was shut up years ago and he has plans to improve the building. We asked him what he wanted in rent and he said he would work with us and to come up with a number :( The lady next door who rents from him in a basically identical set up pays $500 a month. he bought the building a few months ago, so we aren't sure if he is okay with that as an amount or not, but if we made an offer it would be in the $500 range. He is a newer property owner, but the lady who rents the other side has been very happy with him as a landlord.

Site B is 19'x80ish'. This includes the small office and restroom in the back. Overall it is in much better condition--facade has been overhauled already, nice durable carpet, updated paint and lower ceilings, nice woodwork, good lighting. However it has been set up with an office about midway back--it actually has a large door and fancy window in which you can see through. We could remove the door and keep the window open, but it's a permanent structure. A smaller office or storage area in the back would easily convert to fitting rooms. The space is in really nice shape, but is sort of choppy with the extra room and a few nooks throughout. The owner wants $700 for this space and said he can start us with a year long lease. He is an established business owner and owns and rents several Main Street Properties.

A needs a lot more work and $ to get it going and would probably take longer to get into. It does have a nice open floor plan.

B is really move in ready--just the cosmetic stuff we want to change and setting up our stuff. How do you feel about a ladies boutique with a few rooms versus an open floor plan?

Both are excellent locations, good parking, and great store front display windows. Opinions please---we keep weighing the pros and cons, but just can't decide what might be the best!

16 years old, interested in starting a small business next year

Hi there! I am 16 years old, turning 17 later this year. I've always had this idea of opening up a bottled juice business. Since I was younger, I've always loved juices and the idea of juicing and working around fresh vegetables and fruits and such. I am lucky enough to live in a city where there is a great demand for juices-- namely cold pressed, and organic juices. My goal is to get a stall at a farmers market, and sell my product there -- and if I see that it is doing well then I would try to expand to other farmers markets, and eventually maybe have an actual warehouse to produce these bottled juices in bulk! Ok, I am getting a bit too carried away here. Moving swiftly along.. Most likely, I wouldn't be able to do this on my own-- so I would have to get a partner. I will be starting college next year, and will hopefully be taking some business courses in my freshmen year where I can maybe and hopefully meet someone who wants to start a business with somebody.

I know this idea is nowhere near original, and it doesn't seem like it has much to offer. However, in the future if it ever does grow-- I would want to donate 3-10% of all proceeds to penguin conservation, as I would want the brand to be called "Penguin Juice" or "Penguin Liquids". My main question for you guys is: how can I get started? I have $1200 in my savings currently, and I know for the most part what I need in terms of supplies and such: a heavy-duty cold pressed juicer which would most likely cost me anywhere between $400 and $700, eco-friendly plastic bottles which I'd order in bulk from AliBaba, and some graphic which I could stick onto the bottle.

I've dreamed of doing this for as long as I can remember, and I hope that I can get this done. Responses would be appreciated!

What do we need to consider for start-up funds?

Me and some friends are starting a business and we literally have no idea how to start a business. We have a way of getting the necessary funds, how much we'll get is uncertain. But the main thing is we need an estimate on how much we'll have to raise. Yes obviously we need money for rent/lease, utilities, business license. But that's as far as we know. What else do we need to take into account when writing up our start-up funding list?.

samedi 21 mars 2015

Nice touch

Hi everyone, I'm new here so I may take a few posts to get used to the audience and style of interaction. I'm a CPA based in Australia but have worked in North America during the GFC!

Anyway thought I would share a Blindingly (is that a word?) Obvious moment....recently when my wife collected her car from the Smash Repairer it had not only had the problem fixed but the car had been washed and interior vacuumed....she said to me that it was a Nice Touch!...she then repeated the story to all of her friends. It was a very simple an inexpensive sales touch that was employed by this made me and my wife happy to the point she is talking about it and I am blogging about it! We are regular customers of the car smash repair industry!....this business will continue to receive our business.

It's only a small thing (touch) but a fantastic repeat business strategy.


Textbooks and books: deduct or depreciate? And other questions...

Hello all!

We just have a few questions on writing off items on our tax returns. We are a partnership.

1) Textbooks, Books, Magazines, Journals. Are these deducted immediately or are they depreciated over a number of years? We are thinking of immediately deducting the magazines and journals. For the textbooks and books, if using depreciation how many years for each (i.e. 3-year, 5-year, 7-year)?

2) Musical instrument repairs. We are having some trouble finding information on where to write this off. It this just an expense that can be fully deducted immediately. For example, on a $500 instrument, this past year $100 in repairs were purchased.


vendredi 20 mars 2015


Admin, can you please contact me?

What's your title?

Did ou give yourself a formal title? What does it say on your business cards?

Analytics Startup - Thoughts?

Hey guys, I was hoping to hear your thoughts on the startup we're building:

We set up your Google analytics, customize it, and email you personalized recommendations on how to increase your ROI/engagement every week. The idea is that no technical work/statistical analysis is required, and that all the clients have to do is email us. We currently charge clients $30 a month.

What do you guys think? Are there any features you guys would want?


p.s. if anyone wants to personally drop me a line, just shoot me an email at at

Predicting the 2015 General Election

Who do you think will win the general election? There's nothing like a free prize draw to spice up a Friday in my opinion! Guess a winner for the election, enter your details and hit send for a chance to win £5000 worth of free HR support for your business. This is a great opportunity for small to medium start-up businesses.

Visit the information page for more details on the draw! The winners will be selected in Hinckley, but everyone is welcome to participate! Good luck!

Hello all

Hello everyone, hope you are all enjoying this Friday. I look forward to posting here and reading interesting posts from you all.

Praiseads - Praise Ads Media Network for Affliate Network @

Praiseads - Affiliate Network for high quality leads like CPA,CPL,CPC,CPS,CPM | Affiliate Advertisers,Affiliate Publishers @

jeudi 19 mars 2015

Personal, business and project finance available (secured) No upfront Charges


Do you need financial assistance?

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* Cash to you in 48 hours!

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* Appointment of between $5,000 and $500,000,000.00

* Interest rate of 3%

* Choose between 1-30 years of repayment.

* Choose between monthly and annual repayment plan.

* Flexibility of the loan terms and conditions.

All these plans and more, please contact us via:

Name: Address: Country: Amount needed: Duration: Phone: Monthly payment: DOB:


Abdullah Mohammed

Is this a joke or the IRS promotes stealing?

I was not sure if this is real or not, isn't the IRS a government agency and as such needs to abide by the law and not promote unlawful activities?

Please take a look here, page 34:

Stolen property. If you steal property, you must report its fair market value in your income in the year you steal it unless in the same year, you return it to its rightful owner.

What the hell...

Strict Parents: The Most Annoying Thing For Teenage Entrepreneurship


Probably one of most annoying things a teenager who's trying to start a company is their parents. No, I'm not saying all parents are bad. I'm talking about if you have parents like mine. For me, I'm fifteen years old. A sophomore in high school, and skilled baseball player. For about five years I have been studying and learning about business obsessively. However, my parents don't agree.

To start off, don't get me wrong about my parents. They care about me, and get me almost everything I could ask for. I recently got a Macbook Air for my birthday, I've always had food in my stomach, a roof over my head, so I'd say I have a good life. My parents, however, are very strict. They're very random about their rule making. They let me do one thing but don't let me do another. Some of it is very innocent too. I blame this because I feel they're incredibly egotistical.

My parents like to act like we, the children, know nothing about the real world. They like to act like we don't know anything about things they don't understand. My dad is a computer technician. He is a supervisor for Comcast, and makes a decent living. He's great with computer hardware, but horrible with money. My mom is an AID at a hospital and has no computer skills.

Most of the day I don't interact with my parents. My mom likes to yell about just about everything, and my dad, again, has the ego of Kanye West. They both have the hardest time coping with us growing up. They still like to treat my brother and I like we're in preschool. My brother, being as sheltered as he is, allows it to happen because he doesn't see a way out of it. Everything my parents say is correct in his world. The kid is 13, still believes in every mythical creature including the tooth fairy, and still watches Disney Channel on a day-to-day basis. Myself, however, knows this isn't normal, and knows to rebel against such sheltering techniques. They don't like that at all. Since I was 13, my parents and I have been in countless fights because of how I act. They like to tell me I'm stupid, I don't know what I'm talking about, I'm annoying, etc. but the second I comment on their intelligence about a certain subject, I'm the bad guy. After about two years of convincing, they finally did let me get a PayPal account so I can make money online. I have made a reasonable amount of money freelancing, but you don't understand how many fights I've gotten in about this website. We've fought so much because they don't comprehend how advanced I am in this subject.

They claim their so supportive, they bought a new computer (which by the way has nothing to do with my company, it was a birthday gift), how they give me everything and there's no reason I should want to make my own money, etc. Every other parent I talk to says they're probably mentally incapable of raising a teenager, but I guess that's just them. My parents DO NOT trust me with my own money. I have tried convincing them to let me purchase stock, but my dad doesn't trust me and his information on eTrade or ScottTrade. I've even tried convincing them to invest in the stock market, but nope. It's always "You're fucking annoying" or "you're fucking stupid". They don't think I know anything about business. I can't explain ANYTHING to them. They're the most stubborn people I know. Why are they like this? THE EGO.

They don't like the idea of me not being a kid. They have no problem insulting my intelligence about something I clearly know more about, but, again, the second I comment on their intelligence of a subject, I'm the bad guy. Their top most used comment about me is "Just because I read it on the internet doesn't mean it's correct" as if because I Google things means it's automatically false information. They act like I am just flat out stupid. There was one time where we fought, my dad called me a "fucking idiot. You act like you fucking know everything". So what did I do? I told him he's a "stubborn asshole who needs to stop acting like an ass." What did he do? Nothing. He apologized later. But what did that solve? Nothing. The next day he was still making the same naive comments as before. They don't like the sound of me being more successful than them. I know it drives them crazy. He acts like I have no brain thought when it comes to finance, and I'm sick of it.

They are also the most unbelievably controlling people in the entire Earth. They want more control over my life than any parent. What's their excuse? "We're just being parents." No you sure as hell aren't. What you're doing is putting limits all over something I love so you can sleep better at night. They act like they have it so rough too. They tell me I'm such a bad kid. Oh no, I want control over my money and want you to leave me alone and let me do my own thing with my company. I could be, oh I don't know, could be acting like every other teenager. Want me to smoke some pot, drink some alcohol, have some sex? Would that make you feel better? No it sure as hell wouldn't would it?

So in conclusion, they're egotistic and annoying about everything I do in business. They, again, act like I don't know anything, and all my knowledge is fall because I just "Google things". I'm so sick and tired of this. At this point, I'm strongly considering emancipation because I cannot start a company with this type of weight on my back constantly. What do I do? I can't reason with them. They're stubborn. Everything I say is wrong. My brother is the perfect kid to them because he doesn't rebel to their horrid parenting skills. I've made a post like this on Yahoo! Answers, and just about 9/10 answers told me I'm "misguided". I don't know if I even want to talk to them anymore, really. It's too out of hand. Any thoughts?

Sorry about the language. It's just how it is, though. :/

Managing Inventory

I want to open an online shop to sell crafts tools. The warehouse will be at house. Now, I am trying to arrange my office to be suitable to store the inventory. I have few questions?

is it necessary to buy shelves to store the inventory?

I am thinking of having these shelves from ikea, what do you think?

HEJNE 4 sections/shelves - IKEA

How can I manage the inventory to be easy to get the items when they ordered, and to keep track of the quantities I have?

I didn't contact any supplier yet, so I have no idea about the minimum quantities I will order.

Improving my site for SEO

I am new to SEO. I have created a website for my business and have done research on SEO but I'm not sure where to begin really. Is the content on my site up to par? What can I add or take away from my site to improve SEO. My website (I am unsure if I am supposed to post links) is Thanks for the help/feedback!

Introducing change to users

Lately I started monetizing my website and I had to introduce changes to the website users. I have over 600 users, and I am still not sure whether I did the right thing by assigning a definite date for implementing the change. I have communicated the change for two months before implementation, but I have set a definite date for implementation and moved forward with it.

In your opinion is it more effective to introduce change gradually? or is it better to set a definite date to implement the change and put up with all the complaints?

I Need Opinions On Tagline/s

I am doing marketing for a three-person law firm. They do estate planning, probate, family law, bankruptcy, and business law. We have kicked around several taglines and feel the one below seems the most comfortable for the group. I would appreciate the group's opinions and comments on the following information.

Tagline: Taking the Stand for You, Your Family, Your Business

Blog Name: Standing Points

Newsletter Name: Taking the Stand

Any other suggestions are welcome.

Thank you very much for your opinions and comments.


If you could be 18 again

What business would you try to make?

Two Hour Loan Pre Approval Service

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Catchy name for an Import of Nepali goods?

Hello and Good day Everybody,

This is my first post so please do not hesitate to correct me in any way.

Me and my partner are starting a small business Importing Nepalese goods such as clothing gear etc and distribute on New Zealand. We've put up a business plan and have almost everything on a good way to start. The only thing which is a brainer for us is a Name for the business.

I came up with a logo that comes out of our past travels threw Nepal as a good memory. It's Budha's eyes on a Swayambhunath Stupa swayambhunath stupa.jpg

We have thought of several names which most of them were just bold or boring and some taken such as for example Sherpa Gear.

The other name I've thought today is Swayambu Clothing which I'm worried is bit hard to remember, spell and catch to.

I was hoping I could get some nice input of what do you thing about my names or ideas.

All the best, Jan n Lucy

Attached Images

mercredi 18 mars 2015

Starting a delivery service

What type of licensing do I need to get before making deliveries? Would there be a fine imposed if a delivery was made before I became licensed in my state? (Arkansas). I plan on delivering food (from restaurants and groceries. Who do I need to speak with to get this all going? I am so confused. Thanks in advance for the help!

Your first business?

When I was in third grade I sold matchbook calculators for five bucks a pop on the bus. I paid $2 each for them. Thirty years later I am lending $50,000 a day to exisiting businsseses. Would love to hear short stories from others on here about their history.

Sales tax in Texas

Hi I'm new to the forums and it seems they are quite experienced people here. I love the Internet in terms that you can find anything about everything but strangely enough when its regarding US laws and taxes everyone says call a tax lawyer as if nobody knows better.

Its strange that most people disagree even on the same things and lawyers are no different. Even government persons can sometimes tell you different things about the same subject.

So here comes my first question.

Can a Texas company charge sales tax to out of state/country customers?

Graphic design services

Hi everyone !

My name is Victor,and I am new on this forum,so if I post in the wrong place,I ask admin to move this post in the right place. Beginning I would like to say that I have read here many posts with great interest, and congratulations for exciting contents.

My passion is Graphic Design,and I work in this industry for more than a few years. All this time, my goal was to try that our customers leave happy and satisfied.

[Solicitation removed]


Any graphic design services ?

Hi everyoane !

My name is Victor,and I am new on this forum,so if I post in the wrong place,I ask admin to move this post in the right place.Begining I would like to say that I have read here many posts with great interest,and congratulations for exciting contents.

My passion is Graphic Design,and I work in this industry for more than a few years.All this time,my goal was to try that our customers leave happy and satisfied.For this,if you are interested for any Graphic Design services (Logo,baners,flyers,facebook cover,web design,business card ,and many other stuf),I am open to any collaboration.

For any questions, feel free to contact me on e-mail adress is :

Cheers !

What is some feedback and constructive criticism on my website?

My website is for my idea development business tailored to helping individuals and small business owners. The website is KRJ Interactive - Home, any feedback would be great! Thanks in advance.

Rent of the e-mail server. Services smtp rayleigh. Turbo2Mail works for you.

Rent of the e-mail server. Services smtp rayleigh. Turbo2Mail works for you.

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Hello from bzelf!

Hello all,

I am a licensed CPA (certified public accountant) and CMA (certified management accountant) with years of work experiences in the US. I am very interested in start-up and small business practice!

Meanwhile, I have my website (Home - BzElf) to provide FREE and USEFUL finance, tax and legal information to start-ups and small business owners. We will keep writing!

Happy to join small business forum. Look forward to making more contribution!:)


A quick survey for small business owners, FREE premium accounting software for 2yr

Small Business Owners,

We are a company called Financio developing a whole new online accounting software for small businesses, we would like to have your feedbacks so that we can make the software better and be relevant to businesses just like yours.

The survey only consists of a couple of multiple choice questions and will only take you 3 minutes to fill up, in return, we are giving you 2 years subscription of Financio Premium for FREE.

Survey Form:



CEO | Financio

How to recover the loosing of new visitors

I Have been doing SEO on my website since 2 years everything was going just fine, but recently I found that the new visitors figure is going down by 60% in 2 mnth. My question is simple what extra I can do to boost up the new visitors traffic to my website to generate more business

mardi 17 mars 2015

planning out for some home base business

hi, i recently got scammed on work from business but once again i m planing to drop my self into this. I need some professional advice on which sector do i trust or is there any affiliate system comes for this..need professional advice

Infomercials dead?

I know that most of us are small enough that infomercials aren't an option but I read an interesting piece this week. I've been a life long fan of the show Dallas and I saw that Victoria Principal who was once on the show and has since gone on to have a billion dollar skin care line said she was quoted as saying she felt that there was a glut in the market and it was time to move toward the future of direct skincare sales, which she believed would be a digitally based forum.

I know there are still quite a few infomercials on TV but it struck me as very sharp of her to get out ahead of the pack. With everyone using multiple devices and with the proliferation of video on demand and netflix type services this seems like a very smart decision. I wonder if in a few years we will see infomercials fade away from tv all together. I know I will be watching closely to her plans to see if I can pick up any tips for my little niche :)

Excited to be here!

Long time lurker, own two small businesses hope I am able to contribute after learning a lot lurking over the years

SMEnar New IT training Startup

Hello all, I have a IT training startup.

I am working with a Tech start-up incubator here in Ohio and in their 3rd stage of their program at step 5 they will offer funding. .

I would love to get some feedback for how small business want IT training. If this is not the correct place to put this let me know thanks.

Is This A Weak Partnership?

Hello :D

So I have a question about my business partnership. As you may or may not know, I'm a teenage entrepreneur, I cofounded a 3D printing company called Dextron in Summer 2014, and I live and breath business. However, I have been sensing some problems...

So my business partner is going to be going to college this fall. I'll be totally honest, I really don't feel like he's as motivated. I've told him what will end up happening. He's getting a job about an hour away where he doesn't even know his schedule, and his college is about a half an hour away. I know college is tough. I've told him that there might end up being a time where you'll have to drop out and even quit his job, but he gives me an attitude and tells me I don't know what I'm talking about because I've never run a business.

I'd consider my self quite knowledgable about business administration and management. I've been studying it for five plus years. I also have quite a few credits, soon to have college credits in business administration. I know more about it than 99.9% of fifteen year olds that I've met who claim to know more than me, yet he still acts like I don't know what it's going to be like. He thinks just because I've read some articles doesn't mean it's going to get tough. What our company is doing is going to take a lot of work, and to be honest he doesn't want to put any more effort than making the product.

I'm quitting my job to start this company, yet he won't budge. He doesn't want to quit his job nor drop out until he's making an exceptional amount of money, yet that isn't the reality which I don't think he quite understands. I know for a fact he won't dedicate as much time as me into getting this on the map. There are sacrifices he needs to make, but I know he doesn't want to make the same ones as me. I don't know what to do. Is this a bad partnership? How do I come about this?

Should I declare a sole protrietership early to "write off" workstation expenses?

So I'm declaring a sole protrietership small business to handle income from apps/software/videogames in the future and as I'm getting around to ordering a workstation computer, periferals, desk, office chair...etc it occurs to me that if I jump through the hoops and get my business legally established I could write off these items as business expenses.

Anyone see a reason not to do this?

Are there unseen costs to simply having a business declared?(aside from the initial registrations and such)

I did a bit of research and everything seems in order...

-All items despite being in a home office are being used exclusively for software/content creation or related research. So the idea of an audit doesn't really worry me.

-There are practically no costs that accumulate for simply having a home office workstation ready to go.

-Given the nature of what I work with the cost of the computer ($2,500ish USD) is easily justified and most would agree is actually on the low price range for a content creation workstation.

Any thoughts? Good Idea, bad Idea, be careful of X, most don't think of X?

I'm seriously considering this but I figure I'd better run it by those who know before doing so, thanks in advance guys.

Tax Filing Question For LLC

Hello all!

This is my first post at this forum. My business partner and I are very close to launching an online business. We are based in the United States and will be operating under an LLC. The LLC was organized in 2014, however it has been completely dormant from the date of organization until the present.

My question is: Do we need to file a tax return for the LLC for 2014? Our thinking is that we do not because the LLC has been completely dormant, but we figured it would be wise to pose the question to more experienced and educated businesspeople.

Any help, suggestions, advice, etc. is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


small business loan

Hi Im new to the forum. I work for a financial firm World Business Lenders. If you are a business owner in search of extra capital and want to find out what you qualify for call me at 2122718278. thanks for looking.

Electrical Mats | Insulating Mat | Electrical Insulating Mats |

Electrical Mat

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We also provide Electrical Rubber Mat to our purchasers with an extremely frail vary of Electrical Insulation Anti- Skid Rubber Mats. These products are fancied using latest techniques and in observance. These products are ideal for resilience flooring conditions and pathways as a result of their non-slip rib surface and exhausting carrying. These mats associate with a fluted style and identified for drastically plummeting resonance transmission. These broad rib designs mats are assurance, efficient convention because it helps in removing moisture & grit.

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A Big HELLO to all my fellow Members

Hi All,

Its good to be a part of this forum as i feel its just the right kind of theme who want to be in the small business. Well I m Professional web designer and developer for a Web development company with over 13 years of exp. I wish to share my knowledge with you and wish to learn a lot from all you guys out there. wish u all a very happy new year, for more details you can click on signature links to visit my company website. Thank you

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lundi 16 mars 2015


Hello everyone, I am new here.

Question about business license and local city taxes

Hey all,

Been lurking for a while as I'm getting ready to "officially" open a real estate investing business. But I actually have a question that concerns my current real job.

Myself and a coworker are both engineers that work from home. We are full time employees of a business in another state. However we are looking at small office spaces in the area that we can share so that we can work together and be more efficient.

Our new office will be within the city limits of the small town near us (15k population). I'm assuming that we will need to get a local business license which isn't a big deal. Its only $100 a year. But I know that some cities tax businesses based on their yearly revenues.

Is this something that we will have to pay also since we are just employees working for a company out of state? We will not be selling anything or performing services for anyone in the state we are in, much less the city we will be located within.

Trying to gather as much info that I can before going to the city license office.

Thanks for any help!

Filling taxes for domestic LLC

Hi guys, I have a question about taxes I hope someone with experience can help me. I don't need professional help, just advice from another business owner who's done it before.

I registered an LLC company (as partnership) last July with another person. Right now it's time to file taxes for the year.

We didn't really have any revenue coming yet, but we had a bunch of expenses we are going to file.

I know LLC expenses/income must be filed individually, based on ownership %. In our case it was 51% me and 49% him. Also we are going to change our ownership because we are getting money and new people on the board. So our personal ownership will be 70% me and 5%, I think it shouldn't matter if we file taxes first and then update our operating agreement, but who knows.

I found this on intuit and this is very confusing for me:


Limited liability companies that are subject to the partnership tax rules are not responsible for actually paying the tax on business earnings, but are responsible for preparing annual partnership tax returns on IRS Form 1065. This return is for informational purposes only; all income, deductions and credits are reported by each individual owner.

The LLC reports each owner's share of these amounts on a Schedule K-1 at the end of the year. For example, if you and a friend create an LLC to run a business that earns $100,000 and has $60,000 of deductible business expenses, then each of you will receive a Schedule K-1 with $50,000 of earnings and $30,000 of deductions. Both of you must then report these figures on your personal income tax returns. Essentially, the business will increase your personal taxable income by $20,000.

In my case I think it should be easy because all we need to do is to report expenses on each side.

Please help.

Cheap delivery within EU

Hi everybody! I what to open online busines in EU. Now I'm successfully working in Russia. I cannot find cheap road delivery in EU (from Estonia). For example in Russia I can send parcel per 0.5EUR/kg up to 100kg in distance 4000 km (From terminal to terminal). I'm producing pvc inflatable catamarans. Average weight of one order from 20 to 150 kg. Is any cheap way to deliver one catamaran from Estonia to Germany (for example) less than 50-70EUR. Price of my catamaran from 1000 to 2500EUR. Not need express delivery 3-7 days is ok.

Hiring sales people to build your business for you

I just wanted to share some thoughts on this subject as it is an area I have covered and an area I deal with on a daily basis.

I am not an advocate of commission based sales. I would prefer to pay someone hourly with an occasional bonus. There are a few reasons for this. In most businesses you won’t find anyone that is really worthwhile who is going to dial for straight commission all day long. The amount of time you waste having to manage these people and deal with the revolving door eats into the time you need to be spending on your business. Granted – there are some businesses that will always be straight commission like life insurance, real estate. I will tell you that the revolving door on any business that relies on straight commission sales people is just going to get worse as time goes by as there are so many jobs available through social networking and the internet. The other reason why I am against straight commission is simple. If I hire someone and I am paying them a flat rate or guaranteed amount then I have more of a right to corner them, lean on them, and train them for the better. Have you ever sold for someone on straight commission (before running your current business) and have the nasty boss pressure you? How did that work out? A sales person on commission is a bit more of an entrepreneur and is less willing to take feedback or direction. If you really know your numbers, which you should, then you really know what to pay your people. You need to be making more money than the owner of a company who is paying straight commission because you are taking the risk. If you know your numbers then you will be able to do so and you will also know exactly how much to pay your people. If you are running a remote operation then there are several ways to get the sales people to clock in with you. The revolving door for commission based reps for a remote operation is more than double a standard in-person facility.

When finding a good salesperson I always have and always will use Craigslist, in the $25 posting section for sales reps. Craigslist list is set up in a way so that people tend to respond right to your ad with their information. This allows me to screen people fast and communicate by email until I am ready to pull the trigger. You can expect 20 applicants per post. This is very cheap compared to major job seeking websites. The job should be short, and the fact that you are not just another guy pushing a straight commission deal should scream.

I see many people with the “notepad syndrome” and I want to give you a hug because I feel bad for you! There are dozens of free CRMs online that provide APPS for your phones, syncing with the backend. Try using Zoho, you will get addicted. I am the type of guy that logs every detail of every conversation with a client. I find myself tapping my APP and pulling up the client and editing his status several times a day. Can you imagine the value it will bring to the table when I decide to sell my company? Instant manageability on a day to day basis is what I get.

A good b2b sales rep does not need a script. The company owner they are calling can pick up fast on this and will hang up faster when they feel they are being oversold to. That brings up another subject. The massive difference in a B2C rep compared to a B2B rep. Be careful and try not to hire people who have no experience in business dialing. The whole world has done telemarketing. Speaking to a business owner and speaking to a consumer are two different sports. A b2b pro can move over to b2b (business to consumer) – although they wouldn’t – but a b2c pro can’t move over to the b2b world. I can’t tell you how many hours I have tried to pry people away from the runaway pitch they are taught to use when selling products to consumers at home. A business owner knows he is getting a cold call, they just don’t want to feel like a sucker when they are being called. They need the dialer to know how to establish instant rapport, to have a perfect tonality, or else the call is over.

The most important thing I have learned with any product I have taught people to sell in the b2b world is – patience. You have to give people time to come together. Just don’t make the mistake of hiring someone with the odds against them from the start and don’t waste time trying to get good people to work for nothing. Thank you for listening!

S corp Short term note to equity - tax implications


Thank you for the forum's efforts to help those in need.

I have a small Nevada S corp and borrowed on two short term notes with friends intending to take small equitable positions despite start up losses last 2 years. The size and duration of notes did not require the notes to be registered. On expiration of notes an equitable distribution of shares relative to the note size is recorded. On the books a loss is recorded from normal operations pending growth in business cycles. During the same year one note has expired > 6 months, the other has not yet, now into 2015.

My question is if the conversion to equity absent any gains, holds a taxable exposure in any manner? I would think not until or unless the firm gains or a partner were to file write off losses or gains otherwise as might occur in 2015. This year an extension filing needs to estimate taxable liability so I'm trying to confirm if the note conversion falls into tax exposure in any way I'm not realizing. We unfortunately lost our tax preparer late this week when they fell behind severely, so I'm just hoping to make sure. :)

Thanks much,


I am finding a Software.

Hello, So i work for my dad, He is running a Small Textile Business.I normally make invoices, sales contract for my dad. But today my dad talked to me about A software. He want a Software with:

1.Compinies (Who buying Cloth).

2.Payment Received (if received how much received)

3.Their Email.

4.Company Details.

5.Invoice Maker ( i mean if i put a format in it and then just enter the values)

I need it for a Mac and if you guys know about any please let me know. (i cant buy online things) so please try to tell about a free one.

Long Distance Business Operation

Good Morning Everyone,

I have an opportunity to aquire a business half way across the country, but my family and I have a stable life where we are and cannot afford to quit our day jobs just yet. In this day and age of technology it seems that owning and managing the business from another state should be possible with the right staff in place and regular visits to the base of operations. I am hoping that someone else has experience with this scenario where you own a buisness but are not directly involved in the day to day operations of it. My wife and I plan on handling all of the book keeping, vendor dealings, etc. and plan on having a separate business cell phone strictly devoted to that side of our lives so that we are available 24/7 should an issue arise. The plan would be to spend a month or two becoming familiar with the operations and then return home with planned once-a-month visits to the location or as needed. I am anxious to hear the thoughts of others on how plausable this is. Thank you so much for your time.

Stumped on ad

I have a small construction company, I do remodeling, room additions, and garages, ect. I have found a really good quality replacement window for a really competitive price and would like to advertise replacement windows in the local paper. The trouble is I don't wanna be known for only windows and discourage calls for say vinyl siding or a room addition, ect. Any ideas?

iOS App Review Sites

Welcome to the updated listing of iPhone and iPad app review sites listing in iOS development That was first posted over four years ago and has been updated many times since. The list has grown since the last update and includes sites that post reviews for both iPhone and iPad apps.

Updated NOW

This list is posted sorted by Alexa traffic rankings and have been checked to ensure each of the pages are working. I have included those sites that were working, and were posted in the comments, and many that were sent in feedback (sorry if your site was missed, but feedback is often missed). If you’d like to add your site please post it in the comments.

1:- iosappspy

2:- 148apps


4:- toptenreviews

5:- dailyappshow

Thank you.



Good day to all.

I'm a student in 11th grade and badly need help. Our professor assigned us to research and report about Facebook Fbox and I've never heard of it. Anyone has an idea of what is this and what is this for? Any opinion would be of great help and will be appreciated.

Thanks much.

dimanche 15 mars 2015


hi hi hi hi hi hi hi

Finally I found a crm i am in love with that is free

I used for a few months until moving over to zoho. Wow! They also have an app that is on my iphon as well. I could not be happier. For me, I like to edit the status of each customer with every detail that comes up. I suggest you have a look of you need a CRM. Notepads dont do not any longer.

How to make an Original Bus idea acceptable in mall setting?

So I want to put this out there to see what kind of advice I can get that might help me and anyone else out there with a similar issue.

The business idea that I have is quite different than the normal "mall store" template. With that being said, I want to change their mind by having the structure be modern and clean, and have no holes in the business plan so that they have to really think hard to explain to me why it isn't meant to be in their mall, oooor just tell me it isn't something that they want to be associated with.

My plan deals with 3 life sized sport arcade games towards the back of the store, when I say life sized sports games, this means when you picture a regular basketball arcade shooting game from Dave n Busters (plugin any nearby arcade) it is similar to that but the dimensions are 20'X8'. The three sports would be basketball shot, football pass, and a baseball pitch. Along with these arcade games there would be other things within the store that would bring customers in and would bring in revenue (phone charging station, video game station on wall, vending machine, clothing area, seating, and photography studio). Although it might seem overwhelming of the total number of things involved, positioned and installed correctly, it would be seamless and simple.

With these things being said, is there any advice on how to make it more appealing to the mall management (style, setup, etc.) that one would like to comment on?

As I write this, I have made a 1d floor plan and have a 3d plan being created via Fiverr :)

Although I have only given a glimpse in the plan, any advice towards the business model would be sufficiently appreciated (holes in plan)?

"Never assume that every critic is a nonbeliever, everyone is not hating on you, someone out there is just telling you the truth in hope that it creates a resolve." ;)

samedi 14 mars 2015

Meeting with a Lawyer at the End of the Month

Hey guys,

I'm meeting with a lawyer at the end of the month. I'll have about an hour to get really get some answers to my questions and thought I'd see if any of your smarties have any suggestions to add to my list.

Quick About My Business:

It's brand spankin' new. So I am currently working to figure out the basics of a Startup. (I've been a Startup before, but it's been almost 10 years since that time...). The business is company that will commission art from up and coming artists. I am still debating on whether I should buy the rights to the pieces for future use, or get royalties from the work I make the sales with the artist retaining the copyright. We will work to promote the individual artists, but also make sales by working with top notch printers and framers. These will be high end pieces, not your regular kind of work.

I am looking to make this into more of a gallery type business with revenue coming from a limited edition (or specific sale end date) sale model. I know the art industry. I've been a highly published artist in the photography field for over 10 years, so my taste and artistic eye are tops (of course taste varies for each I will be selling to a niche market.)

The posters will be commissioned and produced based on collaboration with the artist. My company will provide the basics behind the poster that needs to be produced, and we will leave the art up to the artists' discretion.

Here are the questions I have so far:

What type of business should this be?

How do we go about drawing up a contract between us and the artist?

What is more beneficial...paying a lump sum for the artwork and the rights to use it whenever we see fit? or paying the artist a royalty fee as we sell the work (this would be negotiating with the artists again if we decide to do a second print run or print other merch)?

I feel like there is a ton more I need to be asking!! I am meeting with the lawyer on March 27th, so I've given myself time to make sure I get as many questions in front of him as possible.

Any suggestions you can throw my way would be awesome!

vendredi 13 mars 2015

Question to those who own small/growning businesses.

I am in the process of starting a technology company, which I am hoping will provide small and growing businesses with networking, telecom, system integration, storage, web, desktop, email, printing/fax/scanners, CRM, and other managed services.

Now my question to those reading is this. What is the absolute most important technology need that you as a small and growing business have, and what is the allotted money set aside for such service?

Is This Name Confusing?

I want to have a coffee shop with an emphasis on good coffee, tea, and fresh baked pastries.

Is naming it Southern Velvet Cafe too confusing?

Will the American misinterpretation of the word "Cafe" mean everyone thinks I have sandwiches?

All of my advertising will focus on the drinks and pastries, and on the signage, I'll have an under-title (I have no idea if that's the real term) stating "Coffee - Tea - Pastries"

What do you think? Still too confusing for the average consumer?

Happy to join

Hi there,

My name is shown by thread name :). I am here to introduce myself and my company Code Desk Pvt. Limited where I am working as Marketing Manager and UI/UX designer. I hope you all will help me regarding new business opportunities and how to improve my marketing skills.

Hoping to listen from all of you soon.


<Please create a signature through Settings>

Photography background template Copyright Infringement??

I have a question and wanted to see if anyone had any knowledge on the issue.

I have a business that deals with taking photos for people in public and I was going to create a number of templates of backgrounds for the people to be photoshopped into but I was told it might deal with copyright issue.

I live in Jacksonville, Fl. So for example, say I had someone come in to take a close up portrait photo and I had a few clean Jacksonville Jaguars logos as template for the background.

If I was charging the customer money for the photo and rendering, would it then be copyright infringement?

Also, what if their Registered Trademark was still in the photo, announcing that it was someone's official trademark?

Does anyone have any knowledge about it?

jeudi 12 mars 2015

A Big Thank You

I stumbled across another forum today, looking for information specifically about coffee shop start-ups. After reading a few threads on there, I would like to post my biggest, sincerest thank you to everyone on here for your politeness and excellent grammar.

I read this forum most days. I don't think I can stand to go back to that one!

I'm new here!

Hi, I'm Andrea, the owner and executive chef of ADH Culinary Concepts. What began as a passionate pastime quickly grew into a viable business, and have since wrote a manual to help others along their journey towards entrepreneurship.

I am now looking forward, with great excitement I might add, to opening a restaurant in LA this coming fall. This will be my second business, where I'll no doubt discover plenty of new challenges along the way. I'm really seeking a mentor who can guide me along the way so I don't make costly mistakes.

I am really happy to be a part of this community, and look forward to sharing and learning more from everyone!

Step 1: Tell People About Your Idea

WHY IS STEP ONE ALWAYS SO HAAAAAARD? goes, then I'll get back to legit working.

The Pitch:

Ever been drunk in a bar, hanging onto your bestie who is doubled over with laughter at something you've just said? Ever heard the phrase "OMG...that would be a great band name!"

Dirty Vinyl is bringing these band names to life. Working with local, high end print makers and artists, we will curate a quarterly themed gallery for bands like "Oral Honey", "Whiskey Lips", "Quick Sticks" and "The Deep Throats - A Bassist Acoppella Group".

The goal is for guests to laugh when they come over, and grandma to say "That's pretty, dear," when she sees it.

Just as important as the art, though, Dirty Vinyl will work as a voice for up and coming graphic artists and designers. We want to expand the website to include bi-weekly online video discussions with artists already in the industry. Dirty Vinyl should not only be a market place, but a school.

__________________________________________________ __________

That's what we have in store for it so far. We are working to get the legalease hubbub worked out. We will be representing the artists for a limited period of time, so we need to get the contracts drawn up. But before that, we need to decide if we want to pay the artists in royalties...or flat out buy the rights from the beginning.

And before THAT, we need to get the branding and blogging going!

And before THAAAAAAT we need to actually hunt down artists who are will to work with us!!

But before that we need to sort out the legalease crap. I feel a little chicken before egg before chicken syndrom coming on.


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Choosing a Slogan [Tagline]

Alright everyone,

A little bit about the business. We help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) turn their business around from failure to success. We have been doing this for a few years now and are taking our business online with a proven-to-work turnaround course as well as a grow-your-business course. These two courses will focus on repairing a business and then growing it.

Our target audience is any small/medium business owner or entrepreneur who is struggling with their business. Here are the slogans we came up with:

For the Success of Your Business

Up Your Business!

Maximize Your Business Potential

Helping You Do It Right

Think Success

What do you guys think? We particularly like "Up Your Business!" and "Maximize Your Business Potential".

Any help is always welcomed,

Giulia G.

Single Member LLC SSN vs EIN… When to use which

I just started a single-member LLC and have yet to receive the TR-570 form, but will be remaining a disregarded entity. I do have an EIN for the business that I attached to the LLC when I registered with NYSDOS. I understand that for my W-9, it will have my SSN/Name.

My Questions:

If I want to open a business bank account, does that need to have my SSN as well? Or the LLC's EIN?

Do I need to formally attach my SSN to the LLC through the NYSDOS through some form so they know it's being used with the LLC, or is this accomplished by the W-9/tax return?



Business Name Feedback (Female preferred!)

Hi everyone,

This is a particularly unique situation in which I've had the opportunity to start a new subscription business outside of Canada. The unique part is both my partner and I are male, and the service we are offering is specifically targeted at Females. We've had a few female friends approach us about the idea and the positive responses we've received have been overwhelming. The service is a 'time of the month' box, where you would receive all your essential products you need for your time of the month.

This is where I could use some help! I would love to hear some feedback (from females preferably) on our business name. If you have any suggestions yourself I would love to hear them, but I'm looking for feedback on the business name below:

Beaver Box

The rational behind it is simple:

1. Beaver - an alternative name for your female body part

2. We're based out of Canada and the beaver is one of our national animals. The double meaning could be beneficial to play off of.

3. These subscription box's would be shipped directly to customers homes. In some cases, living in an apartment building, parcels are received and held onto by the concierge. Although Beaver Box would be quite obvious to the customer, I think it's not obvious enough for a 3rd party (e.g. concierge) to conclude what is actually in the box. That way it still tries to keep your time of month private to only the user.

PLEASE, PLEASE don't hold back on your comments/feedback/criticism. My main concern is with point number 1. Men have certain slang words they use, that can be somewhat derogatory towards women. I want to make sure that 'beaver' is a friendly word for females, and not derogatory in any way.

Thank you.