lundi 15 février 2016

autoresponse to mega email errors

Good morning gurus, workers, and noobies,
I am old but am called a noobie from time to time, so don't be offended.
I get approximately 3,000 emails per day in error (because of a domain name I own). I have tried auto responses with nothing but a one line note. I have tried explanations of why I got their email, to why they didn't get a "mailer-daemon undeliverable illegible meaningless" message.
I continue to get thank you notes, but no spam fearing company will help me because of all the 'wannabe marketers' turned spamcops.
They explain that nobody believes anyone does a true good turn for anyone in the email industry. I understand, they need job security because they cannot market successfully, but I really am trying to help these people fix and protect their beloved, old, simple, personal email addresses that they have had since they discovered email!
Many have their own name without 5 or 10 numbers after it. I'm serious, is not giving up his email!
Any ideas? (I registered the name for my own reasons, without knowing at the time that the large internet service provider and email provider was related to the email errors I get).
It used to be 10k per day but the company was bought out 10 years ago and has been steadily 2500 to 3500 per day without fail. I have saved the addresses thinking one day I would send all 2 million of them a note about their lost emails (which were trashed - forwarding them would have entailed manual search and replace).
Thanks :)

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