mardi 23 février 2016

One comment here changed my life...

I have not been active on these forums for a while but I wanted to say a few things. This comment is directed at someone in particular, Harold Mansfield. Don’t worry it’s nothing bad!

A while back, maybe a year and a half ago I was trying to sell a product that I made through Ecommerce. I did make some money but it ended up being too much, over complicated and exhausting. I was seeking help on these forums and I got a lot of feedback. All honest, positive and helpful from many people.

One of, well several of the comments were from Harold Mansfield. Harold told me in the nicest way that my website was not up to par (looking back it was a joke) and what I needed to do to get things going in a different direction. Harold gave me some resources to learn from and some professional advice.

I really put a lot of thought into what he said and learned a lot about websites, SEO, keyword research and content creation. I decided to drop what I was doing and to try and build out some sites for profit. A year and a half later I am making a full time income that grows significantly every month.

Long story short Harold’s comments were the catalyst that got me started on the right track. I am in a profitable business that I love, enjoy doing and know can be scaled easily to whatever level I want.

I wanted to thank Harold and the others that helped me. You never know how you may affect someone else’s life by doing the smallest thing, like leaving a comment in this forum.

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