mardi 9 février 2016

Contract Engineering Advice

Hello I work for a very small Contract Engineering company and we are having a trouble finding contract engineering work. Our President and Principal Engineer has a Professional Engineering Licence. I am a Mechanical Designer and a Certified Solidworks Professional. And our other 2 full time employees are electronics and circuit board design guys. So I was wondering how do contract engineering companies find more sustainable work? We would like to find companies that need our services and not have this one and done project mentality which seems to be what we are stuck in. I would like it if you guys have any advice on how to find companies that need Mechanical Engineering Services or a Mixture of Mechanical and Electrical to sustain our small companies workers. We are working on our website to make it better but as were are doing that is there another way that we can get Mechanical Engineering Contract work? As I stated we are stuck in this one and done mentality and would like to get a sustainable income were we have multiple companies needing our services so we can keep our hours at a full time rate. Any advice that you guys could give us would be greatly appreciated. We are in Michigan and just need some advice on growing our Contract Engineering Company so that we can get our services to more companies in a more sustainable fashion to keep us all working full time.

Thank you in advance for all of your help!!


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